Ontario Ergometer Championships
- Feb 29, 2020
- indoor
- Ridley College Field House
- St. Catharines, ON (CAN)
- Hosted By: Ridley Graduate Boat Club
- Sanctioned by RCA and ROWONTARIO (2019)
H.S. Age Categories - Jr is born 2004 or later, Sr is born 2001 or later
Weight Categories Ltwt Women - H.S. 135# Max & 145# Max; Masters & Open 135# max
Ltwt Men - H.S. 150# Max & 165# Max; Masters & Open 165# Max
Weigh-In From 7:30 am on, up to race time. Multiple weigh-ins allowed.
Masters - Ages 30 & over, with 3 separate medals available - 30-45, 46-59 and 60 & over, plus a Ltwt medal.
Reminder - H.S. Entries must enter as a High School, or as Unaffiliated - NOT as a club.