Canadian Indoor Rowing Championships
- Feb 9, 2020
- indoor
- Paramount Fine Foods Centre
- Mississauga, ON (CAN)
- Hosted By: Canadian Indoor Rowing Association
- Sanctioned by RCA and ROWONTARIO (2019)
VOLUNTEERS for SETUP DAY (Saturday) and RACE DAY (Sunday) are needed.
To sign up for a volunteer role, please use our CIRC Volunteer Portal, click here.
For additional information about volunteer opportunities at CIRC you can contact Michael [email protected]
VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS All volunteers at CIRC must complete Concussion Awareness Training prior to Race Day. To meet this requirement, the Rowan's Law online training resource is free and available on a Government of Ontario website at https://www.ontario.ca/page/rowans-law-concussion-awareness-resources Proof of completion can be downloaded from the training website.
LANE OFFICIALS will report to the Chief Umpire and be assigned lanes and shifts throughout the day. Please contact Lynda Dundas at [email protected] if you have questions about the duties of a Lane Official. Lane Officials must also complete the Rowan's Law Concussion Awareness Training as indicated above.
THANK-YOU to all of our volunteers. Upon arrival on race day, you will be outfitted in CIRC gear for the day which you will be able to keep of course!