Head of the Gorge and Tail of the Gorge Regattas
- Oct 19, 2019 To Oct 20, 2019
- head
- Gorge Park
- Victoria, BC (CAN)
- Hosted By: University of Victoria Rowing Club
- Sanctioned by RCA and Rowing BC (2019)
OPEN/VARSITY: All University Varsity Crews and Club Crews with senior oars persons as crew members.
LIGHTWEIGHT: Senior Lightweight rowers are held on their honour to be lightweight as dictated by RCA Rules of Racing.
JUNIOR VARSITY: Junior Varsity (J.V.) crews may only enter an event if the club has already submitted an Open/Varsity entry in the same event. Any club wishing to enter a crew in the J.V. division without an entry in the open race must receive permission from the regatta chair.
NOVICE: Rowers who began rowing after July 1 of the year of the event, or with permission of the regatta chair.
JUNIORS/SCHOOL: All athletes who rank as U19 on the day of the event.
MASTERS: Masters crew members must be 27 or more years old on the date of the event. Crew handicaps (Garrett – Zezza handicap) will be assessed based on the average age of the crew.
COXSWAINS: Coxies will be at RCA Rules of Racing weight and are on the honour system.
All organizations and participants must be members in good standing with their respective governing bodies.
All coaches/registrants will sign off as accepting liability for, and acknowledging that their crews have been duly informed of the rules of racing, safety cautions and launching/starting protocols before they receive their bow marker package.
Individual competitors or club coaches may pick up bow marker packages at the registration tent located close to the launch area at Esquimalt Gorge Park at 6:30 am on Saturday or 6:30 am on Sunday mornings respectively.
The registration desk must have payment in full to release a club’s regatta package.