POSTPONED Row for Autism
- Apr 5, 2020
- sprint
- North Hempstead Beach Park
- Port Washington, NY (USA)
- Hosted By: Port Rowing
Races will be held at Hempstead Harbor, Port Washington, NY. Boats will wet launch from the finish area into the warm up lanes. Use North Hempstead Beach Park for GPS directions.
Chuck Wagons and use of Grills
Chuck wagons and spectators will use the north lot, entrance #2
Chuck wagons may have access to the boardwalk to unload beginning at 7 am. We ask all vehicles be removed by 7:45 am. Parking is available in the north lot.
Vehicles can return for pick up once racing is complete.
The Town of North Hempstead ordinance prohibits grills and open flames and generators on the beach. There is a designated grilling area in the park, away from the beach for use.