Head of the Schuylkill Regatta
- Oct 29, 2022 To Oct 30, 2022
- head
- Schuylkill River
- Philadelphia, PA (USA)
- Hosted By: Head of the Schuylkill Regatta
- 2022 Registered Regatta
The Head of the Schuylkill Regatta is organized and run by dedicated volunteers. Become a part of this energetic and motivated group that continues to make this regatta one of the best in the country. As a volunteer, you’ll get to experience a world-class, international event with local flair. You’ll have opportunity to learn new skills and to interact with fellow volunteers, athletes, coaches, and spectators, all while serving your community and having fun! Our volunteers come from Boathouse Row, clubs and schools in the Philadelphia area, and beyond.
Visit https://hosr.org/volunteers/ to learn more!