Head of the Schuylkill Regatta
- Oct 30, 2021 To Oct 31, 2021
- head
- Schuylkill River
- Philadelphia, PA (USA)
- Hosted By: Head of the Schuylkill Regatta
- 2021 Registered Regatta
The Head of the Schuylkill Regatta is organized and run by dedicated volunteers. Become a part of this energetic and motivated group that continues to make this regatta one of the best in the country.
- Volunteers, referees and staff are required to be vaccinated. HOSR will require proof of vaccination.
- Volunteers, referees and staff are required to wear masks at all times, with exception to while eating or drinking while seated.
- Volunteers may not work if they have COVID-19 symptoms.
We will hold most volunteer prep meetings for individual areas via Zoom for the sake of scheduling and convenience.
Ready to schedule your volunteer? Go to Sign-Up Genius. Once scheduled, a Captain will reach out to you to solidify shifts and location. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected] or go to https://hosr.org/volunteers/.
And THANK YOU for being part of this Philadelphia tradition!