Head of the Schuylkill Regatta
- Oct 26, 2019 To Oct 27, 2019
- head
- Schuylkill River
- Philadelphia, PA (USA)
- Hosted By: Head of the Schuylkill Regatta
- 2019 Registered Regatta
Championship Events
- Events 02, 08, 14, 18, 15, 19, 22 will be raced head-to-head.
High School Events
- New Exhibition Events for 2019 - Mens and Womens High School Coxed Quad (Frosh/Novice) - Events 25 B&D
- All High School Events are capped
Substantial Change to Schedule
- Mens and Womens Masters Singles have been moved from Sunday to Saturday
It is our goal to start all boats on time and in bow-number order. We request your help and cooperation in achieving this. Marshals may temporarily hold boats with higher bow numbers to let boats with lower bow numbers go up-river. Please work with the marshals, acting promptly as and when requested.
Once turned down-river above the start line, boats should assemble in numerical order in two rows, with EVEN numbers on East side, and ODD numbers on WEST side of river. Boats (except for Championship Events noted above) should merge into ONE single file line in numerical order as they enter the start chute, allowing an interval of 2-3 lengths (or as instructed by Marshals or the Starter) of open water behind the preceding boat. Boats should maintain this interval of 2-3 lengths as they approach the Start Line. Crews that fail to follow the commands of the Marshals or Starter will be penalized.