Head of the Des Moines
- Sep 25, 2021
- head
- Prospect Park
- Des Moines, IA (USA)
- Hosted By: Des Moines Rowing Club
- Cancelled
COVID-19 Protocols for the Head of the Des Moines Regatta 2021
The HotDM committee and the Des Moines Rowing Board ask all participants, volunteers and spectators to follow CDC Coronavirus guidelines while participating in the HotDM regatta.
The CDC has identified the community transmision rate in Polk County Iowa as High, meaning masks should be worn indoors at all times and outdoors in crowded spaces regardless of vaccination status.
Competitor, Volunteer and Spectator Participation:
Quarantined or Isolated individuals due to illness, contact or symptoms are not eligible to participate.
In the 14 days leading up to and on the day of the event - if you have had:
A Positive Covid 19 Test:
Isolate, you are not eligible to participate until
â 10 days since symptoms first appeared and
â 24 hours no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and
â Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving
Exposure to Covid 19:
Vaccinated individuals:
Test on day 3-5 after exposure and receive a negative test to participate.
Unvaccinated individuals:
Quarantine - not eligible to participate for 14 days following the last day of exposure.
To shorten the duration of quarantine, test 5 or more days after last exposure and receive a negative test result to participate.
Symptoms of Covid 19:
Test and Isolate while waiting for test results - not eligible to participate.
Receive a negative test result to participate.
Use the CDC Coronavirus Self Checker tool and the outline above to determine your actions and next steps. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/coronavirus-self-checker.html