Sarasota Invitational
- Hosted By: Sarasota County Rowing Club, Inc/dba Sarasota Masters
- 2019 Registered Regatta
UPDATED 2-20-19
Due to the large number of Junior races on Saturday, we will open the warm-up area south of the island immediately after the last of the Juniors have launched, which should be around 5:10pm or so. Masters crews wanting to practice may do so then, but need to be off the water by 6:15pm, since sunset is about 6:26pm. They will be moving the starting docks to the 1000m point also at that time so access to the course may be limited.
We have added the Larry Klecatsky Trophy to Event 41 Men's Masters 1x. The trophy will go to the overall fastest (age-adjusted) sculler.
The system that RC uses for the fee cap requires that you pay the full amount up front and then they will refund the difference so the net charge will be equal to the fee cap. The refund should happen very soon after the initial charge. Please notify the Director if you run into problems with this.
We have moved the Boys & Girls 2x (originally events 9 & 10) to the afternoon (now events 24 & 25) to provide additional opportunities for scullers. We moved the Boys and Girls JV 4s to the morning slot held originally by the doubles.
We have moved the Mens and Womens LW singles (originally events 40 & 42 ) to the afternoon (now events 59 & 60 ) right after lunch to provide additional opportunities for the scullers. CHANGE We have moved the Women's LW 1x back to its original spot (event 40).
We have switched the Women's Eight (formally event 53) with the Mixed Novice Eight (formerly 55) to provide more time after the Women's 2x (event 50).