Long Island Rowing Championships
- Hosted By: Sagamore Rowing Association
Event Categories:
The following boat classes and categories for both men’s & women’s crews are part of the Long Island Championship:
Sweep Events: |
Novice: 8+ |
Sculling Events: |
Novice: 4x |
Category Definitions:
- Middle School: 6th, 7th, 8th grade
- Varsity (V): Open to all athletes up to Seniors in high school and open to all teams.
- Junior Varsity (JV): Open at all athletes except those in 12t h grade and open to all teams. No requirement for a Varsity Eight in order to enter a Junior eight.
- Freshman: Open to all athletes who are in 9t h grade or younger and open to all teams.
- Novice: To row as a novice, a competitor must be no older than a freshman or in his/her first calendar year of rowing.
- Lightweight: Open at all athletes up to Seniors in high school and open to all teams. Competitors must be less than the following weights: Boys: 150 pounds; Girls: 130 pounds. No averaging of weights.
- Masters: Any adult rower over the age of 21
Weigh-ins - honor system.
All races are Final Only. Gold, Silver, and Bronze will be awarded to every flight.
Contingency Plans
In the event of unfavorable water on either Saturday/Sunday a shortened or alternate course may be used.
In the event of unrowable water on Saturday/Sunday events may be canceled. Safety will always be the greatest priority.
Practice Schedule
The racecourse will be in accesable on Saturday afternoon after Masters Racing.
Please review practice map / formation prior to launching.
Any situations not specifically provided for in these rules will be decided, on a case by case basis as they are brought to the attention of the SRA, by the SRA Executive Board whose decisions will be final.