World Rowing Indoor Championships/USRowing Indoor National Championships
- Feb 24, 2019
- indoor
- The Pyramid
- Long Beach, CA (USA)
- Hosted By: Long Beach Rowing Association
- 2019 USRowing Indoor Open Regatta (Special)
Virtually-new Model D ergometers with PM5 monitors, used only for this event but never previously, will be offered for sale at the close of competition. Cost will be $850, pre-payable in USD when reserving a machine using RegattaCentral, or $895 USD on or after the day of the event until sold out, using a credit card. Cash or checks cannot be accepted. Purchasers should be prepared to receive delivery on February 24 and remove their machines from the Pyramid before the facility closes. We are investigating short-term storage and shipping options, but as of this writing, no such service exists.
You can purchase an Erg below: