Steve Neczypor Regatta
- Apr 6, 2019
- sprint
- 39.9258,-75.06893
- Pennsauken, NJ (USA)
- Hosted By: Cooper Training Center
Sponsorship levels for the Steve Neczypor Memorial Regatta are listed below. If you are interested in Sponsoring the event please email Brooks Reinhard.
Olympian $1,500 – Name on engraved trophy for winners, Logo on website that links to company’s site, Logo on banner at finish line and 4 people can follow men’s and women’s V8.
Gold $750 – Name on engraved trophy for winners, logo on website, and logo on banner.
Silver $500 – Name on engraved trophy for winners, and logo on website.
Bronze - $250 Name on engraved trophy for winners, logo on website.
Purchase gear from Neczypor Dynamics - Regatta and Empacher Shirts
We would like to thank our sponsors for their support:
Shell Repair USA The Martin Neczypor Men's Team Point Trophy
Neczypor Dynamics The Eva Neczypor Women's Team Point Trophy
The Reinhard Family Boys Varsity 1x Trophy
The Stack Family
Charles Murray
Sean Colgan
Frank and Cindy Sands
Kelsey Reinhard-Cox
Tom Daley
South Jersey Rowing Club
Ron Bell
Charles and Jeanine Squitire
Mike and Amy Hayes
John Musial