Jake Snyder Middle School Regatta
- Mar 31, 2019
- sprint
- Turkey Lake
- Orlando, FL (USA)
- Hosted By: Crew Boosters of Winter Park
Like our awesome Graphic Design for the Jake Snyder Regatta? Event logo, banner, signs, long and short-sleeved shirts, hats and medals... all courtesy of the time and talents of John Vu of Vudoowood! Visit them at www.vudoowood.com!
Thank you to SUNDANCE for the gratis printing and donation of materials for our gorgeous banner and signs! Visit them at: https://sundanceusa.com/
Check out our food and dining tab..... Catering services donated by John Vu of Haute Noodle. Mmmmm.... can't wait! Until then, check these guys out at www.hautenoodle.com !