South Niagara Invitational
- Hosted By: South Niagara Rowing Club
- Sanctioned by RCA and ROWONTARIO
Course Traffic Pattern
Boathouse Map
Parking Map
Trailer Parking Map
Finish Line Map
Overall Map
Athlete Drop off Areas
- The main Athlete Drop off Area is at the John Deere Parking Lot where they can cross Canal Banks Road.
- Alternatively, athletes can be dropped off at The Colborne Street Turn-around and then take the free shuttle service to the boathouse area. However, it should be noted that there is only limited shuttle service in this area and there may be delays during busy periods.
Shuttle Service
All parking other than the VIP parking at the finish line will be free parking.
Watching Races
- Following races by motorized vehicles along the Kingsway (on the east side of the race course) is strictly prohibited and may result in the disqualification of the crew being followed.
- Viewing areas are available along the course in the finish area on both sides of the couse.
- We encourage you to bring a bike and use the Welland Canal Trail that follows the course on the west side.
Welland Canal Trail
The Welland Canal trail begins in Port Colborne and runs along the west bank of the rowing course. You may bring bicycles or roller blades to use on the trail.