San Diego Crew Classic

  • Apr 5, 2008 To Apr 6, 2008
  • sprint
  • Mission Bay
  • San Diego, CA (USA)
  • Hosted By: San Diego Crew Classic
  • 2016 Registered Regatta

Wait Lists  12-17-07  We have received an unusually large number of early entries and many events are full at this time.  To be placed on a wait list, send an e-mail to 

To download the full packet of registration information, please visit the Web site at

Welcome to the San Diego Crew Classic® a 501(c)3 organization whose purpose is to orchestrate the premier spring rowing regatta in the United States while promoting the highest ideals of amateur athletics and hosting an event that is a source of pride for the citizens of San Diego.

Below you will find important information to guide you in the registration process

The Board of Directors of the San Diego Crew Classic Inc.® takes pleasure in inviting you to compete in the 2008 Regatta. The 35th Crew Classic® will take place on Saturday and Sunday, April 5 and 6, 2008.  Please read the material carefully, provide the information required, and respond by the deadlines indicated. 

Registration must be completed online by midnight Friday, February 1, 2008 to avoid a late fee which will be enforced.

Please check the event Web site regularly for additional information


·  Entry fees are $225 per boat. Late fees are an additional $90 per boat after February 1.

·  Lineups & Waivers will be submitted on-site at check-in.  Lineups to be stapled to waivers for each person listed in the lineup.

·  Masters rowers age 21-26 (AA) may compete in Masters events. 

·  Coxswains may compete in as many races as practical.

 ·  A list of hotel partners is on the Crew Classic® Web site – click on "Host Hotels".  Be sure to mention the Crew Classic®to get the lowest rate.  We urge you to use only host hotels.  They are important event sponsors and help us keep events costs down.  By patronizing them your help us develop this important source of revenue.

·  For transportation and van rentals, click on "Transportation" on the Web site.

·  It is possible for events to fill before the posted entry deadline. Contact the Crew Classic office to be placed on the waiting list.  No more than 21 entries (three heats) will be accepted in any event.

·  There will be no corporate presence at the event without prior Crew Classic® Board approval.  No banners, stickers on boats, distribution of flyers, etc.

·  No selling of merchandise or food is permitted.  Pop-up tents are discouraged – clear with Beachmaster before setting-up.

·  Collegiate coaches' seeding input, including input for Second Varsity events, will be requested after the publication of the pre-season polls.

·  We are planning to have food concessions available Friday and as always, they will be available on Saturday and Sunday.  Plan to attend the Annual Pasta Party in the big tent on Friday after the coaches and coxswains meeting.

·  The Classic Brunch by the Bay, $175 per person, will be Sunday, April 6, and often sells out. Please contact the office if there is interest in receiving an invitation.

Check "Participant Info" on our Web site in January for additional useful information.


Collegiate, Open and Junior athletes may compete in only one event in their category.

The San Diego Crew Classic® reserves the right to modify events as necessary.

Each organization may enter only one boat per event with the exception of the Collegiate Second Varsity, Collegiate Novice and Masters events (space permitting).

COLLEGIATE EVENTS The Collegiate events are open to collegiate athletes who meet NCAA Division eligibility requirements as they pertain to satisfactory progress, minimum grade point average, regular academic year (75-25) and the 5 year/10 semester rule.

The Copley and Jessop-Whittier Varsity events are open to those who receive separate invitations from the Crew Classic®Board of Directors. Other varsity events are open to any school varsity team not participating in the Copley or Jessop-Whittier events.

Collegiate Novice Events A Collegiate Novice event is open to rowers and coxswains in their first year of collegiate competition. There are no other restrictions on prior rowing experience.

Collegiate Second Varsity Events (JV)  A Varsity event must be entered if a team wishes to enter a corresponding Second Varsity event.

JUNIOR EVENTS  Junior event are open to rowers who are 18 years old or younger on December 31, 2008, or who are enrolled as full-time high school students on the day of the Regatta. "High school" is defined as K through 12th grade per the American educational system.

OPEN EVENTS  An Open event is open to collegiate or Masters athletes for whom there is no suitable alternative consistent with Crew Classic rules subject to the sole discretion of the Crew Classic.

MASTERS EVENTS Rowers' age will be that of their birthday in 2008 and the minimum age for any rower is 21. AA rowers may compete in any age category so long as the average age of the crew falls within the applicable category. The age category of a Masters crew shall be determined by the average age of the rowers in the crew, rounded down. The age of a coxswain shall not be counted. The Men's and Women's F 60+ will be age handicapped consistent with USRowing guidelines.

*          All Masters events will be finals only except the Club events which will have qualifying heats

*          Masters rowers will be limited to one masters letter event, except for coxswains who may enter as many races as practical and should keep in mind that races will not be delayed at the start line or rescheduled because there was not enough time between events for the coxswain to reach the start line in time.  Boats may not leave the launch area without a coxswain.

The Club Championship races will be open to any Masters average age and will be handicapped.  The finals will be held as featured races on Sunday.  Lineups submitted at registration must have the signatures certifying the eligibility of all athletes:  active member since October 2007 and residence within 100 miles of the club. See below.


There is an entry fee of $225.00 for each boat entered in each event, with the exception of the individual boats entered in the Copley and Jessop-Whittier varsity invitational events. The Copley and Jessop-Whittier entries are exempt from the per boat entry fee; however, all other entries from a Copley-entered or Jessop-Whittier-entered institution are subject to the entry fee.  Entry fees must be submitted on-line or by mailing a check to the Crew Classic® Office. Entries are not processed as final until all fees have been received.

       LATE ENTRY PENALTIES: A "late entry" is any regatta entry submitted, or fees received after February 1, 2008. A $90.00 penalty will be assessed all late entries and late payments. Thus, the late entry fee per boat will be $315. Acceptance of entries after February 1, 2008, will be at the sole discretion of the Crew Classic®This will be enforced. No grace period.

        SCRATCH PENALTIES: A handling fee of $35.00 will be assessed as a penalty for any scratch submitted before March 3, 2008. An entry scratched after March 3 shall forfeit the total entry fee. Please submit all scratched entries in writing (Fax 619 225-0301). 

        REFUNDS:  Refund are not handled by RegattaCentral. Checks will be sent by the Crew Classic office.


It is the policy of the San Diego Crew Classic® that any event with fewer than four entries, on the entry deadline date, may be scratched from the schedule or combined with another race. If race schedules permit, three-boat events may be allowed.

Heats, when required, will be scheduled for Saturday, April 5, if possible.  Preliminary Schedule is posted on the Web site.

No more than three heats will be scheduled for any event.  Events can fill quickly, register early.


Check the Web site for a list of host hotels.  We have negotiated the lowest rates and these hotel partners are helping support the Crew Classic®  by donating a percentage of room revenues which does not affect room rates.  Participants are urged to use only these hotels.


Each year alumni groups and clubs reserve tents in Tent Row for social gatherings, Regatta watching and cheering on their teams. Catering is available or bring your own! Contact your alumni club, or the Crew Classic® office.