Stonewall Regatta XXV

  • Hosted By: D.C. Strokes Rowing Club
  • 2018 Registered Regatta

Registration Opens April 2, 2018

Registration closes at 11:59PM Eastern Time, Friday, May 25, 2018. A preliminary schedule will be posted by Monday, March 30.

Late Registration will be available for any events with open lanes until 11:59PM, Tuesday, May 29.  A late registration fee of $15 will be added to each entry.  At that time, events not having at least one entry from at least two different clubs will be canceled and fees for those events refunded. 

Most events have entry caps, so early registration is recommended. Waitlist entries are encouraged, as we make every attempt to accommodate them.

** Masters event entries must have  birthdate information for all rowers in order to be considered 'on-time' and to guarantee a lane. Incomplete entries will surrender their lane to others on the waitlist.

Race Course:  The regatta will be held on the Anacostia River.  All events are 1000 meters excepty for specific Adaptive Events.  A course map will be published when finalized.

This is a USRowing Registered Regatta2018 Rules of Rowing apply.  Specific rules of importance:

-  All participating clubs must be organizational members of USRowing. Foreign clubs/rowers must be members of their national rowing organization recognized by FISA or by its national Olympic Committee.

- All athletes, whether members of a participating club or rowing as Unaffiliated, must have either a current Basic Membership or current Championship Membership and a current waiver. Note that, as of 2016, the Basic Membership now requires payment of an Admin Fee of $5.75.

- Women may not compete in mens events; men may not compete in womens events (coxswains not included).  A rower's gender is considered to be that which is listed on his/her driver's license or other government issued ID.  Mixed crews must have an equal number of men and women, coxswain excluded.

- Rowers cannot represent more than one club at the regatta, or, according to US Rowing, for the entire year.  Lineups that include members of more than one club must be entered as composite.

Rower/Entry Qualifications

Stonewall Regatta is sponsored by DC Strokes Rowing Club, the nation's oldest Gay and Lesbian rowing club.  Participation is open to all rowers, regardless of sexual orientation.

Novice:  The Stonewall Regatta defines a novice rower as one who is within 1 year of his/her first regatta. For example, if a rower rowed his/her first ever race at last year's Stonewall Regatta, he/she would be ineligible to row again as a novice at this year's regatta.  ALL rowers competing in a novice event must be novice, although the coxswain need not be.  In addition, an experienced sweep rower learning to scull may compete as a novice sculler (and vice versa), assuming it is within the first competitive year as noted above.  Novice races will NOT be age handicapped.

Masters:  A Masters crew shall be comprised exclusively of Masters rowers, coxswain excepted.  Rowers under the age of 21 must compete in open events. The age of a rower is whatever age he/she will attain by December 31 of this year.  For a crew, the age is determined by averaging the ages of all rowers in the boat (excluding the coxswain), and rounding down to the highest integer. If possible, Masters heats will be set by US Rowing age class, so that handicapping is not necessary.  If it is necessary to combine age classes, we will handicap the event in accordance with USRowing procedures, which can be found in the USRowing manual 'Rules of Rowing.' 

Hot-Seating: All competitors are expected at the start line 5 minutes before the scheduled start. Hot-seating of rowers/coxswains/boats is permitted, however rowers/coxswains/boats should not be registered for heats scheduled within 30 minutes of each other (start times). Race starts will not be delayed for late arrivals and a penalty may be given by the officials at the start line for boats arriving late.

Waivers: All rowers will need to sign the ONLINE USRowing waiver of liability prior to competing.   Please see the "Waiver" link in the left column. The deadline for waiver submission is midnight Eastern Time on June 1.  Entries not in compliance risk being scratched or surrendering their lane to an entry on the waitlist.  Hopefully, as all athletes must have individual USRowing membership (either Basic or Championship level), which requires a waiver signing to complete, this may not be an issue. No paper waivers will be accepted.

Scratch Policy: An entry to an event may be withdrawn up until the registration deadline, with a full refund of the fees.  After May 25, no refund will be given. Substitutions among the same size boat will be allowed if space permits.

Regatta/Event/Heat Cancellation Policy: In the event that it is necessary to cancel either the entire regatta or a portion of the regatta due to weather, hazardous river conditions, or a sudden flash mob of zombies in speedos, no refunds will be given. The decision to cancel the Regatta, event, or heat will be based on the recommendation of the Chief Referee, but is the final call of the Regatta Director.

If scratches result in an event having only one competitor, that event will be scratched and the entry fee refunded for the remaining entry.  If possible, the remaining competitor will be allowed to row for time as exhibition.

Refunds will be made within 30 days of the date of the regatta.  

Race Day:  Please have a club representative check-in at the registration table upon arrival on Race Day.

Coaches/Coxswains Meeting: There will be a mandatory meeting for Coaches, Coxswains, and scullers in front of the boathouse 1 hour before scheduled start of the first race. (specific time will follow; and the final HEAT SHEET will show actual time).  At this time, regatta protocols and safety procedures will be reviewed, and last minute scratches/changes will be noted to finalize the schedule, if necessary. 

Awards:  All races/heats are considered finals.  Only first-place medals will be awarded for all races.  For events with multiple heats, each heat will receive its own medal.  Medals will be distributed after the event once its results are made official, and will be available at the registration/results desk AFTER the results are posted online and on the results board.

Equipment:  Bow numbers will be provided and given to the coxswain or sculler by the dock master at the time of launching.  All shells must have bow clips to accommodate numbers.  All shells must have a bow ball.  Shoe ties will be checked by referees.

Boat Rental:  Racing shells may be available for rental for out of town crews or anyone in need.  Any crew requiring shell rental see contact info below.

Concessions:  As in previous years, food, snacks, and drinks will be available for purchase. There will also be a Stonewall Regatta T-shirt and other DCStrokes merchandise.


Questions regarding registration, race schedule, and the status of your entries may be directed to the Registrar by email at

Questions about the regatta, its operation, and policies, may be directed to the Regatta Director by email at

Shell rental is available for out-of-town crews.  Contact Nathan Paxton at