CHARGERS Junior Invitational
- May 19, 2018
- sprint
- Onondaga Lake
- Syracuse, NY (USA)
- Hosted By: Syracuse Chargers Rowing Club
- 2018 Registered Regatta
05/16/18 UPDATE
Please note that ALL evenst will have a Time-Trial in the morning and Finals in the afternoon.
- Please see the Heat Sheet/Draw page for the current scehdule.
For Freshman/Novice events, we will move the top 3 times (regardless of [A]/[B]) to the [A] Final.
- For those [B] boats that do not make the [A] Final, we will host a [B] boat only Final at the end of the day.
- This is done so those [B] boats get a second chance to race since they often race only once.