Dogwood Junior Championship

  • Apr 28, 2018 To Apr 29, 2018
  • sprint
  • Melton Lake
  • Oak Ridge, TN (USA)
  • Hosted By: Oak Ridge Rowing Association, Inc.
  • 2018 Registered Regatta


                                                         *Coaches: Please share with all parents/boosters members!  

2018 Dogwood PARKING! 

Due to the growth of Oak Ridge Rowing Association's Dogwood Junior Championship Regatta, we are now offering priority parking in the boathouse parking lot during the regatta!  For $20.00, spectators and coaches will be able to park in the lot.  The parking passes will be sold at the entrance of the parking lot, starting Saturday morning at 6:00am of the Regatta.  There will be no pre sale for parking passes.  These parking passes will provide re entry throughout the entirety of the regatta weekend.  

If a car does not have a parking pass, they will NOT be allowed in the boathouse parking lot at anytime throughout the weekend.  


Boosters will be allowed to park their trailers along the spectator peninsula without a parking pass.  The truck or car pulling the booster trailer MUST have a parking pass to get in during the regatta weekend.  Boosters will be able to set up their tent and drop off any items the Friday before the Dogwood Junior Championship Regatta without a parking pass.  


A parking pass is required in order to drop anything off at your tent.  Cars are allowed to drive down the peninsula to their booster spot from 6:00am-7:00am. After 7:00am, boosters cars/trucks will have to paark their car in the lot. 

If drop off is needed past the allotted boosters drop off times, cars will be able to pull to the shoulder of the road to unload, and then find parking along Melton Lake Drive for free.  Otherwise, a parking pass must be purchased and items can be walked to the peninsula.  No parking on the peninsula at ANY time. 


Buses will only be allowed to pull around the perimeter of the boathouse parking lot for drop off of athletes only.  No idling in the parking lot will be possible and volunteers will ask buses to leave after a reasonable amount of time to drop off.  Buses will then pull out of the parking lot and can then park along Melton Lake Drive, at their hotel or at another familiar commercial lot in Oak Ridge.  

Suggested bus parking:  

Warehouse Road. Oak Ridge, 37830 

Roane State. 701 Briarcliffe Ave. Oak Ridge. 37830


Please contact the Regatta Director at if there are any questions.