Ironmen Erg Classic
- Jan 27, 2018
- indoor
- Don Bosco Prep High School
- Ramsey, NJ (USA)
- Hosted By: Don Bosco Preparatory High School
Welcome to the 2018 Ironmen Erg Classic
The following information and race procedures are provided for the convenience of the participating athletes, their coaches and spectators. Should you have any questions, please contact the race organizers. The race organizers may make corrections or changes to this information and these procedures before on-line registration closes.
The Ironmen Erg Classic will be held at the Don Bosco Preparatory High School in Ramsey New Jersey. The competition floor will be in DBP's Gymnasium with the warm-up room in the adjacent cafeteria. Spectators will be relatively close to their athletes to allow enthusiastic, but tasteful encouragement. The competition hall will have large screens showing the progress of each rower during their competition. Athletes will be able to rest, stretch and warm up on ergs in the athlete warm-up room. The food court, serving basic beverage and food, is a place for spectators and others to relax before heading to the competition floor to watch their favorite athlete(s) compete.
General Information
- Athlete Check-in:
- Athlete check-in and registration opens at 7:00am All competitors are required to submit their best time (or best estimate) for 2000 meters. The race organizers will set up flights that are evenly matched using the times submitted. All competitors must check-in & pay any balance owed at the registration desk prior to their event. Walk-in registrations are $30; acceptance of walk-in registrations is at the sole discretion of the Race Director.
- Rowers and their coaches are expected to complete the check-in process and lightweight weigh-in in at least one hour before the rower's event to allow the rower to become oriented to the facility and to warm up before the event. Assume there will be a line. It is the responsibility of the rower to be at the venue early enough to complete check-in. Refunds will not be granted for late arrivals.
- Waivers: All rowers must sign a liability waiver(s) either when registering online or when checking in. Minors (under 18) must have a parent or guardian's signature. No exceptions.
- Spectator Admissions: Admissions for spectators will be $5 per person. Children under the age of 10 will be free.
- Parking: Athlete, coaches and spectator parking will be in DBP's parking areas. There is no charge for parking.
- Schedule:
- Event times are approximate and the schedule is subject to change. The schedule as printed on race day is the best estimate of when an event will begin. Rowers and coaches must allow sufficient time in advance of the scheduled event to accommodate any adjustments in timing that may be required.
- It is possible that smaller events will be combined to race at the same time. If the demand for an event is greater than expected, efforts will be made to accommodate those rowers.
- There are no heats; finals only. Warm-up ergs are provided in the warm up room.
- Conduct, Safety, Health:
- Proper sportsmanship and decorum will be observed by rowers, coaches, and the audience. Rowers are expected to be properly attired for competition, including shirts. Race officials reserve the right to ask any person who is not behaving in a sportsman-like way to leave.
- The Ironmen Erg Classic will have medical-trained staff on the race floor to provide immediate care as needed. The Meet Director or medical staff has the authority to pull an athlete for medical reasons at any time.
- If you have a health issue or are feeling ill before, during or after the race, inform your coach and the medical staff who are stationed on the race floor so they can better respond if an emergency arises.
- Be smart about what you eat in the hours before a race. Do not eat dairy and heavy foods that are hard to digest. Make sure you are sufficiently hydrated. If you have any questions ask your coach!
- Medals: Medals will be awarded to all first place finishers. Medals will be awarded to second and third place athletes when the total number of athletes in an event is six or greater. Second and third place medals, in events with fewer than six participants, will be awarded at the discretion of the race organizers.
- Cancellations: A snow date has been scheduled for February 8, 2014. If the event is cancelled due to extreme weather we will post a notice on our website about the alternative date. Unfortunately we cannot offer refunds if an athlete cannot participate on the snow date or if extreme weather causes cancellation of the snow date.
Age eligibility is determined by rower’s age on race day.
Junior rowers may enter events designated for older high school ages, but may not enter younger age events.
You may not row for a sick or absent person. If you do so, you will be disqualified.
Coxswain Events: A participant must have been exclusively a coxswain in competition (not an oarsman or oarswoman) during the previous year. Weigh-in is not required.
Lightweights Weigh-in (9am-11:30am)
Lightweight rowers must weigh-in and have their hand stamped at check-in. Follow posted instructions.
Weigh-in attire is required. This is limited to at a minimum: unisuit/all-in-one OR shorts/trou/boxers and shirt/top.
Weight limits for the High School lightweight events are: women 135 lbs and men 155 lbs.
If the weight is not met, it is the responsibility of the competitor to change into an event for which he or she is qualified. Race organizers will attempt to accommodate any lightweight competitor who fails to make weight.
Race Director: The RaceDirector is responsible for the performance of the race. The Director will assist volunteers in making the race a memorable event for the athletes, coaches and spectators. After consultation, as deemed necessary, with the Referee, Organizing committee leaders and interested parties, the Director will resolve any concerns or disputes outside the competition area.
Race Computer and Control Desk: This race will be conducted and times recorded using Concept2 Venue Racing System. The Control Desk operators must focus on each race and are not available to athletes, coaches or spectators. The times of individual rowers also will be manually recorded after their race.
Marshalls: The Marshalls will notify the athletes of the upcoming events and heats. The Marshalls will escort the competitors from the warm-up room to the competition floor and help rower find his/her assigned erg. The Marshalls will help the competitors maintain a quiet, respectful use of the race facility.
Race Timers: The Race Timers will be on station on the competition floor during the race and will back up the electronic timing system. At the end of the Race, the Race Timers will record the time shown on a rower's erg monitor.
Food Court Volunteers: Basic beverages and food will be available for purchase during the race from volunteers in the Food Court adjacent to the competition floor. All food and drink must be consumed in the Food Court.
- Warm-up ergs are available before your event.
- Please limit your warm-up to a maximum of 15 minutes in order to give everyone a chance to warm up.
- Please allow competitors in earlier races to warm-up before you.
- 10-15 minutes before the scheduled race, a Marshall will gather rowers to the competition stand-by area.
- Pay attention to announcements made by the Marshalls.
Competition Stand-by Area
- Marshalls will confirm your attendance, your heat and erg assignment.
- The Referee or Marshalls will go over basic procedures and rules.
- Rowers will be directed to the race floor.
Race Floor
- Alert medical staff to any health-related issues.
- Each erg is numbered.
- Go to your assigned erg.
- Confirm that your name is on the monitor.
- Alert a Referee or Race Timer if your name is not on your erg. Raise your hand until someone assists you
- Do NOT sit at an erg with someone else’s name on it.
Before The Start
- Get settled quickly.
- Adjustments are allowed to the seat, foot stretcher, vent, and drag factor only.
- Vent may not be changed once the race has started.
- Referees will ask that you put your handle down.
- Erg fans cannot be moving at the start of the race.
- You are permitted a single coach or coxswain who is to stay to your left rear.
- Rowers will take the start command from the PM4 monitor on the Concept2 Erg. The visual commands will be "Sit ready", "Attention," "ROW." The clock starts with the "ROW" command and not after the handle is pulled.
- The Concept2 Venue Racing System will detect and alert a false start.
- Rowers who make more than one false start in a single event may be disqualified at the discretion of the Referee.
During The Race
- If your erg becomes disconnected from the Concept2 Venue Racing System do not stop rowing. After about 10 seconds the PM5 monitor will display “KEEP ROWING” at the bottom of the screen. All data is retained on the PM5. Your time will be recorded on your race card and entered manually into the race system.
- If any other mechanical problem develops early during an event alert a race official immediately. You will be moved to an unoccupied erg or moved to another heat.
- If a problem develops late in the event, you will be rescheduled following an appropriate rest period.
- Remember that information on the PM5 monitor reflects times and positions for your section of ergs only. Your event may use more than one section and in that case your monitor does not reflect your place in the overall event. Row your hardest, best race.
- Rowers may be disqualified if the handle is allowed to slam the erg!
End of Race
- The Race Timers will record the time showing on your monitor as a backup time.
- Alert medical staff, referee or race official immediately if you experience abnormal breathing or other health problems.
- Stay at your erg until instructed to leave.
- Under normal circumstances times are recorded automatically by the Concept2 Venue Racing System. Be sure your time is recorded correctly. Leave the race floor as directed by the Marshalls. Coaches and coxswains may also leave by the same route as the rower.
- Address any protest to the Race Director immediately after your race.
- The Race Director will adjudicate the complaint following consultation with the coaches and Control Desk.
- Other concerns and complaints, not associated with the race, regarding the event should be addressed to the Race Director.