Erg Sprints | World Rowing Para Indoor Championships
- Feb 18, 2018
- indoor
- TC Williams High School
- Alexandria, VA (USA)
- Hosted By: Alexandria Crew Boosters Club, Inc.
- 2018 Registered Regatta
All Para competitors in the World Rowing 2k and Concept2 1k Para Indoor Championships events must complete and return the Classification and Sport Category Verification form to Mark McAndrew at [email protected] by February 10, 2018.
2018 World Rowing & Concept2 Indoor Para Championships hosted by the Erg Sprints
Information, Rules, and Regulations
Date: February 17-18, 2018 (Para fixed seat fittings will be held only on Saturday 17th and all Para competitive events are scheduled for Sunday 18th)
Location: T C Williams High School Gymnasium, 3330 King Street Alexandria, Virginia 22302. Note: Accessible information about T C Williams High School will be forwarded to entrants at a later date.
Time: Para Events will start at 9:00AM. All Para athletes should plan to be at the Gymnasium one hour before the event start time to have enough time to navigate the school, change into racing gear, and complete an adequate warm-up. Accessible information about T C Williams High School will be forwarded to entrants at a later date.
Fixed Seat Fittings: All PR1 (AS - Arms and Shoulders) and PR2 (TA - Trunk and Arms) competitors racing in the 1000 meter or the 2000 meter Para events on Sunday are required to attend a fitting session on Saturday being held at the T C Williams high school between 9:00AM and 5:00PM. If you will be supplying your own fixed seat you will need to bring your seating system, including clamps, straps and pad with you to the Saturday mandatory fitting. Your seat will be returned to you directly after your event.
Para Events: All Para competitors may enter either a 1000 meter age group Concept2 Championship event OR a 2000 meter open (no age groups) World Championship event. You may enter only one event. All entries are done on-line with RegattaCentral.
FES (Functional Electrical Stimulation) Rowing Events: Will take place remotely at Community Rowing Boathouse in Boston. This is an age-group based event that will recognize the following age-groups: Under-50 and 50+ for both men and women. In addition, FES competitors will be recognized in two sub groups: Unassisted Return and Assisted Return. All entries are done on-line with RegattaCentral.
The 2000 meter event: This is an open event (no age-groups) and will recognize the three FISA sport categories of PR1, PR2 and Overall-PR3 for both men and women. FISA Classification required. If competitors are not classified and interested in racing this 2000 meter event, they should contact FISA immediately to start the process in order to get all pre-classification documentation complete and submitted. Questions from competitors about this requirement and the FISA classification process should be directed to [email protected] immediately. Please note, there will be a follow up meeting regarding FISA rules and regulations for the 2000 meter event and ALL PR1 and PR2 athletes in the 2000 meter event have a mandatory visit to the fitting session from 9:00-5:00PM on Saturday to which they should bring any and all adaptive equipment they plan to use for racing to the fitting session. Classification Instruction Manual
The 1000 meter event: This is an age-group based event that will recognize the following age-groups: Juniors 14-18, Open19-29, Masters 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 and 60+. The 1000 meter event, as in years past, recognizes sub groups within the PR3 category, i.e. PR3(PD - Physically Disabled), PR3(VI - Visually Impaired), PR3(ID - Intellectually Disabled), PR3(AK - Above the Knee Amputee), PR3(SA – Single Arm) as well as the PR1 and PR2 Sport Categories for both men and women.
Classification and Sport Category Validation: This year it is a requirement for both the 1000 meter and the 2000 meter event competitors to provide the Regatta either confirmation of classification (FISA or National Governing Body) or that said athlete is not classified via the Classification And Sport Verification form. ALL entrants must print the form, have it filled out and signed by the athlete (or guardian) and physician (if applicable), and then forward the completed form to [email protected] by February 10, 2018. Note: Only the 2000 meter competition requires FISA Classification.
The Classification and Sport Category Verification form offers two options –
- Indicate that the competitor is included on the FISA list of classified Para rowers, and if not, it is up to the competitor to follow up immediately with FISA to begin and complete the classification process prior to the competition. This process involves submitting pre-classification paperwork in addition to a physical review. FISA Classification is only required for the 2000 meter competition.
- If not classified by FISA and/or intending to enter the 1000 meter competition, competitors should continue to the second option on the Classification And Sport Category Verification form where there are three choices for the 1000 meter competitor. 2.1) Indicate competitor’s NGB Classification and proof of status, 2.2) Have a physician sign off on the best fit event based on the sport category descriptions included on the form, or, 2.3) If not classified and choosing to remain unclassified, indicate as such on the form and attend the mandatory Saturday fitting session to have event choice be endorsed by race officials.
Please note that his form does not require any medical information to be identified by the physician.
Rules for the Para Events:
- PR1 Competitors must have a minimum of one chest strap and one leg strap.
- PR2 competitors must have a minimum of two leg straps or one leg strap and one hip strap.
- The strapping rules are designed to create safe racing, enhancing and not detracting from a competitor’s performance. The final strap adjustments are up to the competitor.
- PR1 Competitors must have the lumbar portion of their back remain in contact with the seatback for their entire race
- PR1 and PR2 competitors must have the leg strap placement just above the knee or as close to the knee joint as possible to prevent flexion and extension of the knee joint so that leg motion does not contribute significantly to the power output of the competitor
- Damper settings may be adjusted prior to the start of a race, however, they may not be adjusted after the start of a race.
- All PR1, PR2, and PR3(VI - Visually Impaired) Para competitors are allowed to have one assistant with them on the race floor.
- Service animals are allowed provided an assistant is available during competition.
Para Indoor Rowing Sport Category Information
Para rowing is for rowers with a permanently impacted ability level, who meet criteria set out in the Erg Sprints Indoor Rowing World Championships Para Rowing Sport Categories described below. Rowers may compete in a more functional sport class than their assigned sport category, but not a less functional sport category.
Sport Class | Sport Class Sub Category |
FES | (AS - assisted return) |
PR1 | NONE |
PR2 | NONE |
PR3 | (PD - physically disabled) |
PR3 | (VI - visually impaired) |
PR3 | (ID - intellectually disabled) |
PR3 | (AK - above the knew single leg amputee not using prosthetic) |
PR3 | (SA - single arm conection to handle) |
Erg Sprints CONCEPT2 PARA INDOOR ROWING Championships 1000 Meter Event Sport Categories:
Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) – Technology allows spinal cord injured without the use of their legs to stimulate paralyzed leg muscles in the athlete. The rowers can control their legs by pressing a button on the rowing machine handle, which then transmits electrical impulses through the electrodes to nerves controlling leg muscles. This way a rhythm between their stroke action and leg movements can be maintained. Prior experience using the FES system is required.
Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES - Assisted Return) – These competitors have similar disabilities and use the same functional electrical stimulation system as the Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) competitor class listed above, however in addition, they are assisted with the recovery phase (moving forward) of each stroke.
PR1 - Arms & Shoulders (AS) – This category is for rowers who have minimal to no trunk function (i.e. Shoulder function only). An AS class rower is able to apply force predominantly using the arms and/or shoulders. These athletes will likely also have poor sitting balance. In addition, these athletes are not able to use the sliding seat to transfer their power to the ergometer because of significantly weakened function or mobility of the lower limbs. Eligible rowers may typically have but are not limited to Cerebral Palsy – affecting both leg and trunk function, or neurological impairment with a complete lesion at T12 level or an incomplete lesion at T10 level.
PR2 - Trunk & Arms (TA) – This category is for rowers who have functional use of the trunk and who are not able to use the sliding seat to transfer their power to the ergometer because of significantly weakened function or mobility of the lower limbs. Examples for this class would be bilateral around knee amputation, or significantly impaired quadriceps, or neurological impairment equivalent to a complete lesion at L3 level, or an incomplete lesion at L1.
PR3(ID) - Leg, Trunk & Arms (ID) – Intellectually Disabled - This category is for rowers who have functional use of their leg(s), trunk and arm(s) for rowing and who can utilize the sliding seat. These athletes have tested 75% or less for intellectual quotient.
PR3(VI) - Leg, Trunk & Arms (VI) – Visually Impaired – This category is for rowers who have functional use of their leg(s),trunk and arm(s) for rowing and who can utilize the sliding seat. In addition, these athletes have permanently impaired vision. These athletes have reduced or no vision. Maximum vision of 10% of normal in best eye with best correction from visual acuity above 02/60 up to visual acuity of 06/60 and or field of vision between 5% and 20%.
PR3(AK) - Leg, Trunk & Arms (AK) – Above or Around the Knee Single Leg Amputee - This category is for rowers who have functional use of one leg, their trunk and arm(s) and can utilize the sliding seat. Leg, Trunk &Arms (AK) rowers must row without the use of a prosthetic on a standard sliding erg seat. If they prefer to use their prosthetic they should enter the LTA-(PD) sport category.
PR3(PD) - Leg, Trunk & Arms (PD) – Physically Disabled - This category is for rowers who have functional use of their leg(s), trunk and arm(s) for rowing and who can utilize the sliding seat. Eligible rowers in this sport category include single leg below the knee amputees, arm and hand amputees where both upper limbs have connection to the erg handle via adaptations), up to three missing fingers on one hand, neurological impairment equivalent to incomplete S1 spinal cord injury, Cerebral Palsy, trans metatarsal amputation of the foot.
PR3(SA) - Leg, Trunk & Arms (SA) – With Single Arm - This category is for LTA rowers only able to row with a single arm connection to the ergometer handle. These athletes have similar disabilities to the Leg Trunk & Arms, Physically Disabled Sport Category, however they also have a permanent condition that allows for only one arm, partial or complete, with or without use of a prosthetic device on that same single arm, to have connection with a standard or modified ergometer handle. These athletes may have an amputation or loss of function to one arm, allowing them to pull the erg handle with the remaining partial or fully functional arm.
Erg Sprints World Rowing INDOOR PARA Championships 2000 Meter Event Sport Categories (FISA Classification required):
PR1 - Arms & Shoulders (AS) – This category is for rowers who have minimal to no trunk function (i.e. Shoulder function only). An AS class rower is able to apply force predominantly using the arms and/or shoulders. These athletes will likely also have poor sitting balance. In addition, these athletes are not able to use the sliding seat to transfer their power to the ergometer because of significantly weakened function or mobility of the lower limbs. Eligible rowers may typically have but are not limited to Cerebral Palsy – affecting both leg and trunk function, or neurological impairment with a complete lesion at T12 level or an incomplete lesion at T10 level.
PR2 - Trunk & Arms (TA) – This category is for rowers who have functional use of the trunk and who are not able to use the sliding seat to transfer their power to the ergometer because of significantly weakened function or mobility of the lower limbs. Examples for this class would be bilateral around knee amputation, or significantly impaired quadriceps, or neurological impairment equivalent to a complete lesion at L3 level, or an incomplete lesion at L1.
Important PR3 entrants note: The 2000 meter event will be awarding only the Overall PR3 Sport Category. Entrants will enter the PR3 2000 meter event by identifying the Sport Category including your appropriate sub category. Concept2 will recognize the PR3 sub category performances in their on-line world rankings
PR3(ID) - Leg, Trunk & Arms (ID) – Intellectually Disabled - This category is for rowers who have functional use of their leg(s), trunk and arm(s) for rowing and who can utilize the sliding seat. These athletes have tested 75% or less for intellectual quotient.
PR3(VI) - Leg, Trunk & Arms (VI) – Visually Impaired – This category is for rowers who have functional use of their leg(s),trunk and arm(s) for rowing and who can utilize the sliding seat. In addition, these athletes have permanently impaired vision. These athletes have reduced or no vision. Maximum vision of 10% of normal in best eye with best correction from visual acuity above 02/60 up to visual acuity of 06/60 and or field of vision between 5% and 20%.
PR3(AK) - Leg, Trunk & Arms (AK) – Above or Around the Knee Single Leg Amputee - This category is for rowers who have functional use of one leg, their trunk and arm(s) and can utilize the sliding seat. Leg, Trunk &Arms (AK) rowers must row without the use of a prosthetic on a standard sliding erg seat. If they prefer to use their prosthetic they should enter the LTA-(PD) sport category.
PR3(PD) - Leg, Trunk & Arms (PD) – Physically Disabled - This category is for rowers who have functional use of their leg(s), trunk and arm(s) for rowing and who can utilize the sliding seat. Eligible rowers in this sport category include single leg below the knee amputees, arm and hand amputees where both upper limbs have connection to the erg handle via adaptations), up to three missing fingers on one hand, neurological impairment equivalent to incomplete S1 spinal cord injury, Cerebral Palsy, trans metatarsal amputation of the foot.