Tail of the Passaic

  • Hosted By: Kearny High School
  • 2017 Registered Regatta

Rules of the 2016 Tail of the Passaic Regatta



a. All entries must be registered via Regatta Central and paid for by the deadline posted on Regatta Central.  Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the Race Director.  Late entries that are accepted will be assessed an additional late entry fee equal to 50% of the entry fee. Unpaid entries will not be permitted to race. 

b. Complete registration information must be submitted by the registration deadline.  Missing or fictitious ages, names, abbreviations, initials, etc. must be corrected by the registration deadline.  Entries with incomplete information will be deemed scratched and treated as such. All athletes must complete the online USRowing Waiver to compete.

c. Scratched entries will be refunded their entry fees up until the registration deadline.  Entries scratched after that deadline will not be refunded.

d. Events must have a minimum of two entries.  Races with only one entry may be combined with another event or canceled.  In the event of race cancellation due to insufficient entries, the entry fee will be refunded.


a. Prior to the Regatta, starting order will be determined by random lot.  Bow numbers will be assigned to each boat according to this order and distributed along with a schedule in your race-day Registration Packets.  We will call boats to the launch dock by race number and bow numbers.  Boats launching from other locations will be held responsible to launch on time for the start of their race.  Boats on the river must position themselves in the marshaling area (marked on the course map) so they can start in bow number sequence. 

b. The Starter will space boats so that each shell crosses the starting line at regular intervals. 

c. The race will be officiated by USRowing Referees.  Boats must be alert to the possibility that they may receive directions from officials at the start, finish, dock, or in safety launches.  They must follow any such directions in an expeditious manner.


a. When a passing crew (the Passer) closes to within one length of open water on the boat being overtaken, it is the responsibility of the slower crew to yield the line chosen by the Passer in a timely manner. The Yield should be completed by the time the overtaking boat has closed within ½ a boat length.  A crew failing to yield to a Passer when there is adequate room and time to yield will be assessed a non-yield penalty..

b. In cases where the overtaking boat’s position clearly prevents safe passing or insufficient room to yield, passing is not allowed nor is the boat being overtaken required to yield.

a. Where buoys mark the boundaries of the course, and in particular mark turns on the course, a boat shall be penalized 10 seconds for each buoy passed incorrectly. A boat passes a buoy incorrectly when any part of its hull passes on the wrong side of the buoy.

b. Boats missing their correct order at the start shall be penalized 10 seconds.

c. Interference Penalties

1st infraction: 60 second penalty

2nd infraction: 120 second penalty

3rd infraction: exclusion from the Regatta

d. Non-yield: 60 second penalty


a. All boats must be equipped with a protective “ball” on the bow or its anti-puncture equivalent as specified by the current version of the Rules of Rowing, rule 3-105, available from USRowing.  Boats that fail to meet this rule will not be allowed to launch. 

b. For boats with flexible-soled shoes attached to the foot stretchers, heels must be attached to the stretchers by a method allowing quick exit in case of emergency (“heel ties”). Boats will be inspected at the dock and must comply with this rule in order to launch.  

c. Each boat must launch with its assigned bow number and be equipped with a bow clip for this purpose.  No boat will be allowed to leave the dock without a bow number.  Please note that you will have to leave a $5 hold deposit for each bow number that you receive.  The deposit will be returned when you return your bow numbers.


a. Varsity

A rower or coxswain enrolled in High School that is a varsity member of the club/school.

b. JV

A rower or coxswain enrolled in High School that is not a varsity member of the club/school.

c. Novice

Novice shall mean a Rower or Coxswain whose initial competition within that same discipline has been in the previous 12 months of the date of this Regatta.


d. Weight Categories


• Lightweight boys shall weigh no more than 150 lbs.

• Lightweight girls shall weigh no more than 130 lbs.

• No weight averaging is required.


d.  Middle School

Any rower or coxswain that is in the 6th, 7th, or 8th grade.



a. Two-way traffic is maintained on the river.  Boats must not cross the race course at any time.  Boats that are racing will be on the west side of the river, heading downstream.  Boats that are launching, landing, or proceeding to/from their docks must row in the buoy-designated lane on the east (upstream) side of the river.

b. Navigable arches of the two bridges on the course are indicated on the course map.  These are the arches closest to the middle of the river. 


  • minimum 2 entries - gold medal
  • minimum 4 entries - gold and silver medals
  • minimum 5 entries - gold, silver and bronze medals




a. Good sportsmanship must prevail at all times.

b. Boats wishing to protest must first lodge the protest at the finish line to the finish line official(s), while still on the water.  The protesting rower(s) must then submit the protest in writing, along with a $50 fee, to the Head Referee or his/her designee within one hour of reaching land.  The protest must be signed by a member of the protesting crew and represent that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the facts contained are true and accurate.  The decision of the Head Referee/protest jury shall be final and may not be appealed.  If the decision is found to be in favor of the protesting crew or substantially justified, the protest fee will be returned to the protesting crew.  If the decision is against the protesting crew or the protest found unjustified, the fee will be retained.

10.  Drones

The use of drones will not be permitted