Covered Bridge Regatta

  • Apr 14, 2018 To Apr 15, 2018
  • sprint
  • Eugene, OR (USA)
  • Hosted By: Oregon Association of Rowers
  • 2018 Registered Regatta

2017 Rules of Rowing will apply, however, the following rules will not be enforced:

                2-409  Racing Cadence;    3-104  Minimum Weight of Boats; 3-203  Oar Colors;

                4-109 & 110 Weighing of Coxswains and Weighing of Competitors

Rules pertaining to coxswain weight limits and weigh-ins will not be enforced. We ask that you honor these limits.


All events, except the men's and women's masters single, will be rowed as finals only.


Varsity junior quads will be cox-less this year (novice junior quads still coxed).


Most events have entry-limits. For most events there is a limit to the total number of entries accepted and to a maximum of either one or two entries per club. Entries beyond these limits will be wait-listed. Entries accepted from the wait-list will be notified after the entry deadline and as space becomes available. The wait-list will be prioritized to first include teams that are not yet up to the maximum per-team number and then by entry date.


EVERY EVENT WILL HAVE ENTRY LIMITATIONS (2018 PDF here) - both per club and total entries. We will attempt to satisfy wait-listed entries within a few days after entries close.




Entries should be identified by skill/speed as 'A' club's best entry,'B' club's second best entry and so on.