MPSRA Fall Championship
- Oct 29, 2017
- head
- Merrimack River
- Lowell, MA (USA)
- Hosted By: Massachusetts Public Schools Rowing Association
- 2017 Registered Regatta
Important Deadlines:
- October 23rd: Entries DUE (in RegattaCentral), Waivers DUE (USRowing waiver required) and Rosters DUE (see below for more info)
- October 28th: Final lineups DUE (in RegattaCentral)
- October 29th: Payment DUE (or proof of payment) and Trophies DUE before the C & C meeting
Additional notes:
Rosters: by e-mail only, please. Please send them to me at Rosters are due on October 23rd. Start working on them now!
The roster must be signed by a school administrator (Principal or Athletic Director) and list all athletes, verifying that each one is a current student. The signature should be on the SAME SHEET as the roster itself.
Waivers: This is a USRowing-registered regatta and all athletes must complete the USRowing waiver. Please check in RegattaCentral to ensure that all of your entries and lineups are compliant.
Lineups: Please endeavor to submit your correct lineups to RegattaCentral no later than October 25th (for accurate information in HereNow). Your FINAL, CORRECT lineups must be listed in RegattaCentral no later than October 28th (the day before race day).
A reminder,: athletes (rowers and coxswains) may not double race at the Fall Championship, except between sweep and sculling events. There is also an exception for coxswains in lower (2N8, 2N4, 3N8) novice events: for safety reasons, you may use (including doubling) varsity coxswains into these events ONLY. In the 1N8 and 1N4 it is the usual rule of novice coxswains only, and no doubling up.
We WILL be checking rosters, waivers, and lineups!
Payments: Payments are requested online via RegattaCentral BEFORE race day! If you are not able to pay online, please bring your check (or proof of payment) on race day prior to the C & C meeting. Teams will not be allowed to race if payment (or proof of payment) has not been received.
Full rules are described in the MPSRA by-laws: Refer to Articles 9.2, 9.3, and 9.7.