North Carolina Youth Rowing Championships
- Apr 14, 2018
- sprint
- Oak Hollow Lake
- High Point, NC (USA)
- Hosted By: Triad United Rowing Association
- 2018 Registered Regatta
The North Carolina Youth Rowing Championships is the official state championship for youth rowing and will be run according to the USRowing 2018 Rules of Rowing. This event is open to eligible youth rowers, who are members of an eligible North Carolina rowing club. Eligible clubs are those based in North Carolina that have been registered as a USRowing organization and been active and participating in regattas for at least one year as of the date of the regatta.
All races will be 1,500 meters, with the exception of Middle School Exhibition races, which will be 1,000m.
Crews must supply their own bow numbers.
Only one entry per club is permitted in each event with the exception of the single sculls event. (an additional entry may be permitted in other events if space is available after the close of entries).
A club may only enter the Division II event if they have an entry in the corresponding youth event.
A Competitor may compete in the U15 category until December 31 of the year of his or her 14th birthday.
A Competitor may compete in the U16 category until December 31 of the year of his or her 15th birthday.
A Competitor may compete in the U17 category until December 31 of the year of his or her 16th birthday.
A novice rower is defined as any rower that participated in their first interclub competition after April 14, 2018, regardless of class year. Exhibition events do not count as races for the purposes of defining this category. Experienced coxswains may race in novice events.
A middle school rower is any student currently attending school in Grade 6, 7, or 8. All participants must be at least 12 years of age on the day of the regatta.
Coaches are expected to boat their more experienced middle school rowers in Exhibition flight A.
Coxswains will be required to weigh in once in the morning and all weigh ins must be completed by 8:30am. Coxswains should bring their own sand bags or other weight necessary as appropriate. Boys & mixed events: 120 lb minimum. Girls events 110 lb minimum.
Lightweights will be required to weigh in by 8:45am. Max weights: girls 130 lbs and boys 150 lbs.