American Youth Cup Series II

  • Mar 28, 2021
  • sprint
  • Sarasota, FL (USA)
  • Hosted By: Sarasota Crew

3.23 Email: 

The Rules & Eligibility tab has been updated on the Regatta Central page. Here are some you should not miss but please read through them on line also. Please share this with your coaching staff and teams.


1. Covid Protocols - We are requiring each team to perform their own wellness check each day they are at NBP. We will not have a check in at the race for teams to flow through. If you checked in for West Districts, you can use the same bracelets and continue your team wellness check. If you are only competing at AYC II you will be able to get your adult bracelets on Sunday morning between 6:00-7:00 am from me (or Saturday if you find me). I will provide you with wrist bands for your adult support staff (coaches and parents needed). Your team will not be allowed more than 1:10 parent support staff and we ask that you limit their time on the island as much as possible. We expect everyone is used to wearing masks at all times. Please don't be the team that we have to remind to wear masks, stay away from other teams, etc. Don't bring anyone to the course that has been sick, is in their CDC quarantine period, etc.


2. Parking - Make sure you check the parking map that NBP will be enforcing. Drop off will not be allowed on the island. We realize this does not make it easy for anyone but we must follow the rules NBP puts in place.


3. Cox meeting - We will have a brief meeting at 7:00 am on Sunday by the launch docks.


4. Trailer arrival - Please let me know if you have a trailer that will not have arrived before racing for FSRA West Districts starts on Saturday.


5. Saturday Practice - For those who want to take advantage of it, we will have several safety launches on the water  for practice 30 minutes after racing is finished on Saturday for 2 hours.


6. Waivers - please make sure you have your FSRA (Noara) and USRowing waivers completed. Both can be found on the compliance page of the event.


7. Boat Safety Checks - Please make sure you check your boats for bow balls, heel ties, etc.