American Youth Cup Series I
- Feb 20, 2021 To Feb 21, 2021
- sprint
- Nathan Benderson Park
- Sarasota , FL (USA)
- Hosted By: Sarasota Crew
- 2021 Registered Regatta
MASKS ARE REQUIRED by anyone on the island at ALL times when they are on land. Masks may be removed once a boat has left the dock and must be put back on before they come back on land.
2/19: Trailer Parking Map: For those that will arrive after we leave the venue.
2/16 Update:
AYC I OVERALL MAP - trailer entry explained here. NO DROP OFF ON THE ISLAND!
Parking Map for ALL athletes and spectators
Saturday Entry on to island:
a. All teams must have their NOARA and USRowing waivers complete before showing up (done online).
b. Everyone must pass a COVID symptoms check AND hand a paper copy of the COVID questionnare . If they do this, they will be given a bracelet for the day and allowed to enter the island. BRING YOUR OWN COPY ALREADY SIGNED PLEASE!
Sunday Entry on to island:
a. Everyone must pass the COVID symptoms check AND show their Saturday bracelet. If they do that, they will be given a new bracelet (different color) and allowed to enter the island.
As of 2/10/21 Nathan Benderson Park has told us the following. Some of these restrictions are also put on us by USRowing because they will be hosting Olympic trials Monday after our racing and will have athletes they want separated from our event.
2. Parking AND Drop off for everyone will be in the parking lot in the map below.
3. Parking will be $5/day for each car.
4. Teams will receive two parking passes for the island when they come bring their trailer. Boat Trailers will be allowed to arrive on Friday from Noon to 6:00 pm. Boats can practice on the course from 2:00-5:00 pm on Friday. No one should launch after 4:30.
5. No one is allowed on the island before 8:00 AM either day. This is a USRowing rule to allow Olympic Trials competitors the room they need to practice safely. Once on the island all AYC participants will be required to stay in the AYC area. NO SPECTATORS ON THE ISLAND AT ANY TIME.
6. You can rents tents from NBP. The form is due by Monday 2/15/21 at noon. Each team is allowed to bring 2 10x10 tents that they must keep by them by the team trailer.
Tent Reservation Form due Monday 2/15/21 at Noon
7. All participants and coaches and team staff will need to pass through a COVID symptoms check and receive a wristband after they walk onto the island in order to be on the island. There will be one check in tent. Teams will be allowed to have no more than 1 staff per 10 athletes. Any team found to abuse this privilege will be asked to leave. All team members will be expected to have filled out the race waiver AND the COVID pre-check before arriving on venue.
8. Food will need to be transported by rolling it on or by one of the two parking passes your team receives. Teams should have food prepared before the event days so teams do not require a large number of people to do the preparation. We realize this is different than normal times and appreciate everyone making these changes to allow these events to happen.