MACRA Championships
- Apr 30, 2017
- sprint
- Harsha Lake
- Batavia, OH (USA)
- Hosted By: University of Cincinnati Rowing Team
The Clermont County Convention and Visitor's Bureau has put together hotels with special rates. Please call the numbers provided and mention MACRA for the special rate.
Days Inn - 513-528-3800 * $69.99 includes breakfast
4056 Mount Carmel Tobasco Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45255
Comfort Inn & Suites - (513) 947-0100 * $109.95 includes hot breakfast
4421 Aicholtz Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45245
Holiday Inn Eastgate - 513-752-4400 * $133
4501 Eastgate Blvd.
Cincinnati, OH 45245
Motel Beechmont - 513-509-9011 * $70 includes breakfast
3960 9 Mile Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45255