Novice Challenge

  • Hosted By: Lowell Rowing Regatta Association

General Information:

Crews must provide their own bow balls and Bow Numbers.

Definition of a Novice: A Novice shall be a coxswain or rower whose initial competition within the same discipline has been in the previous 12 months of the regatta. Coxswains who wish to become rowers may race for one year as a novice rower regardless of their coxing experience. 

Definition of a Freshman: A Freshman shall be a coxswain or rower who is in 9th grade or younger. Experienced middle school rowers may participate in a Freshman event if they do not qualify to row as a Novice. 

Parking: Tow vehicle and Trailer parking will be along Pawtucket Blvd, on the river side of the road. Team van and spectator parking will be in Regatta Field, across the street from the boathouse. $10 per day, per car.