Red Bull High Stakes 2017

  • Hosted By: Red Bull North America


Boats and oars will be provided by Fluidesign, Croker USA and CRI for all teams. Course and launching facilities provided by the DCR and Riverside Boat Club. 

Red Bull High Stakes is a head-to-head rowing relay race contested between teams comprised of 4 boats each (single, double, four, eight) over a total distance of 2000 meters. The racecourse allows 2 teams to compete simultaneously in an out-and-back 500-meter relay that includes a stake turn around the Red Bull buoy at the 250-meter mark. Singles will race first, followed by doubles, fours, and eights. 

The event will consist of 10 heats, 2 semi-final races and 1 final race. Each heat contains 2 teams. The top 4 fastest times across all 10 heats will advance to the 4-team semi-final. The semi-finals will be single elimination format with the winner of each semi progressing to the final. Times will not be taken into account in the semis or final.  The A final will determine the winner.

New for 2017: Masters Red Bull High Stakes Team

In addition to the 20 open entries, we will accept two teams with an age average of 40+ in the Masters Category. All competitors in this category must be 21+. These two teams will race head-to-head using the same boat classes and progression.


Open to all rowing teams and clubs. All teams must have 15 rowers and 1 coxswain (8 female and 8 male) to fill the required boat classes in the race. Registration will be capped at 20 teams.

All participants must be 18+ years old and no longer enrolled in high school*. These waivers are only available during registration on event day.

* Masters event excepted


All boats will launch from the Riverside Boat Club dock and will be marshaled upstream before the race to warm up. Before the race, all boats will sit just behind the start/finish line of their lane in order of racing with plenty of room in between each boat class (1x, 2x, 4x and 8+). When the race begins, each boat will race 250 meters down the course before completing a stake turn around the Red Bull buoy and racing back up the course to the start/finish line.

After each team’s first boat races 500 meters and crosses the finish line, that team’s next boat will then start down the course. The bow of any racing boat must complete its 500-meter segment and cross the finish line before the next boat starts. As each boat completes its segment, it will be marshaled away from the course. Once all boats have completed the course, teams will proceed to the dock for landing.

Race will be timed - fastest total time for relay will determine advancement to the semi-finals.








Competition Schedule


Before The Race:

Launch & Warm-up:

Ergs will be provided by Shimano for warming up in front of Riverside Boat Club.

1. Check in with dock master; if there is a problem, please report.
2. Check that each boat has appropriate bow number and functional bow ball
3. Carefully follow normal warm-up pattern as laid out in course configuration 4. Please be on time to the start
5. Follow traffic pattern carefully and watch for power boats and other traffic on the river 6. Races will run on 20 min centers with a 15 min power boat break each hour, fastest time four times progress to the semi-finals. Single elimination progresses to the final.

The Race:

At the Start:

1. Be at the starting area no later than 5 minutes before race
2. Listen to starter's voice and cadence from previous race to get sense of racing procedure
3. Know the various starting commands. (“Attention, Row!” will be the starting command.)
4. Check in with referee to identity your team before the race
5. The first boat (single) must be on the start line 3 minutes before the race. Remaining boats will be in the marshaling area and proceed to the line in order as the prior boat starts. Total race time is determined when the 8+ crosses the finish line.
6. Progression of Boats 1x, 2x, 4x, 8+
. Get your point and target; compensate for wind or current in keeping point; if there is a long delay, know where to keep your point to compensate for winds
8. Check points at all times
9. Know exactly how to scull bow around; check on where you want blades depending on current/wind 10. Acknowledge the starter
11. Remember, the movement of the flag starts the race not the voice of the starter
12. When one boat crosses the finish line the next boat can progress down the course

Lateness & Breakage, Warnings:

  1. If you are late and permission has been given, don't panic your team on getting to the line 2. No jumping the start: no misleading of alignments during racing, no misleading other crews at the while racing. ***10 second penalty.  3. There is no stopping during the racing zone unless there is breakage


10 second penalty. An official will be stationed at the Start Line to assess penalties. The crew waiting in the relay transition zone must remain at a still position at the start line until the bow of their team's racing boat has fully crossed the plane of the finish line. No 'jumping' of the start will be permitted.


The Body of the Race:

1. Lanes: Know your own and others on buoyed and non-buoyed courses and when are you out of your water
2. Interference and fouls; leaving your lane; others leaving theirs
3. Referee commands and flags: white and red flags.

4. Steering and over - steering
5. Each boat must go out 250 meters and turn around their own Red Bull Buoy and return in their lane and cross the finish line before the next boat is to go, the eight will be the final boat to go.

The Finish of the Race:

1. Make sure you have crossed the line; finish buoys or flags are usually beyond the line
2. What five things the referees need to do at the finish: safety, time, look for protests, certify race with white flag.
3. Check your athlete’s health; lying down in the boat
4. Knowing when to leave the finish
5. Meaning of the flags: White flag (start); Red flag (Finish)

Jon DiVaio [email protected]

 Sean Wolf: [email protected]