President's Day Regatta

  • Hosted By: Long Beach Junior Crew
  • 2017 Registered Regatta

 President’s Day Invitational Regatta


Saturday, February 11th, 2017


This Regatta is registered with USRowing


Please submit all entries on starting January 18th, 2017 and the deadline is February 3rd, 2017.


The President's Day Regatta will be a partially-buoyed, stakeboat start, 1,475m sprint course running from the 2nd St Bridge to the finish line at the north end of Marine Stadium.  


To help us run our regatta even more smoothly, it is important that the rowers not only know what event they are racing but, more importantly, that they know their bow number.



Marine Stadium site information:



This year we are trying to avoid 7 lane flights for safety reasons, therefore if an event has 3 or less entries it will be scratched from the schedule to allow for another flight of a more popular event. Coaches will be notified of the change in schedule and additional "B" entries will be accepted to accommodate for the change. "B" entries will be accepted on a space available basis. When submitting entries please make sure to specify your program's name and the team you are representing (ie: LBJC, Varsity Boys) and include the event number, name, and the desired number of boats you would like entered (ie: Event #2 MV2 - 1 boat, Event #17 MV1xB - 2 boats, etc.).


Online USRowing wavier:

Only one waiver will be required:  USRowing waivers online. We suggest that teams start this process as soon as possible.




Team roster required:

Every Team will be required to provide a roster either via email one print out with your Team roster from Regatta Central.

To take the pressure off the two hour window before racing, we'd like you to send an electronic version of your USRowing/RegattaCentral rosters. Printed versions will still be accepted, but we'd prefer electronic. We have found RegattaCentral to be easier to get the roster off of, but it's the same document. Here's how to get it:


1) Log into

2) Under "Affilliations", select "roster"

3) Make sure you're looking at the Active Roster

4) In the upper right, click "export"


Once you have the spreadsheet, delete everything except for first and last name, and "waiver signed", which should read either T or F. T means the USRowing waiver has been signed, F means that athlete needs to print it, sign it, and have it presented at registration. If you would like to make it even simpler, you can include USRowing ID, which makes it easier for us to check waivers for specific athletes, and gender, which just makes it quicker to find them on your roster. Here's an example:


USRowing ID

Last Name

First Name


Waiver Signed







Here's a very quick recap of the easiest way to do this: 


1) Have your kids do their USRowing waiver online 

2) Export your Regatta Central roster and send it to [email protected]

3) Alphabetize any paper USRowing waivers that you may bring.  



Boat Storage and Parking

Marine Stadium main entrance is now open.


Trailers and busses please enter the stadium parking area via the Appian Way gate at the south end of Marine Stadium, located at the intersection of Appian Way and Bayshore (Look for the Paoli Way sign)


Marine Stadium

5225 Paoli Way

Long Beach , California 90803


Parking lot gate is scheduled to be opened at 6:00am on race day. Early arrivals will not be admitted to Stadium before 6:00am. Please be considerate of our neighbors! ALL VEHICLES ARRIVING EARLY MUST TURN ENGINES AND RADIOS OFF.


Bow Markers

Each crew will provide their own bow numbers, and each rowing shell must have a bow clip.


Safety Inspection

Bow balls must be present and secure on all racing shells. Heels must be tied no more than three inches from the foot plate.  Coaches: please check your equipment.  Inspection sweeps will take place at 6:30am, 7:00am and 7:30am Saturday February 11th.


Lightweight rowers/Weigh-In

Starting at 6:30am, all lightweight rowers must weigh in wearing their team racing uniform.  Weigh-in station is located at the beachside north end of the Marine Stadium. 


Individual male rowers must weigh 155 pounds or less.  Individual female rowers must weigh 135 pounds or less.


There will be no coxswain weigh in.


Coaches/Coxswain Meeting

Starting at 7:00am on the beachside of Marine Stadium north end of the beach area.



Men's and Women's High Point trophies will be awarded according to the point structure below and attached to the regatta schedule.




Scoring Structure












































































Non-Scoring Events
















B boats do not score.  Only the highest placing boat from each team scores points.  A “B” entry can prevent another team from scoring, but they do not score themselves.  If a team has two entries in a race and finish 1st and 3rd, for example, the 1st place boat gets 1st place points, but the 3rd place boat does not get any points.  No 3rd place points are awarded in this instance: the 4th place boat does not move up to score the 3rd place points. 


B races are not point races.  The 2xB, the 1xB and N4+B are not point races (the N8B and N8C are exceptions to this rule).  But in general, any race that is not explicitly listed on the points scoring system at the bottom of the schedule does not score


Only the top 3 finishers score.  Points are not given to 4th and subsequent finishers.


Medals will be awarded to first, second, and third place distributed at the conclusion of the regatta.


Schedule of Events:

6:00 am Gates to open on Appian Way

6:20 am Lightweight weigh in

6:30 am Team check in: submit waivers and team rosters

6:50 am Coaches/coxswain meeting

7:50 am Racing Begins

3:40 pm Racing Concludes


Thank you for your participation, we're looking forward to another great regatta and to seeing everyone in a month!


We look forward to seeing you all in a few weeks and wish you the best of luck in your racing.




Lorenzo Salvio