City Championships
- May 6, 2017 To May 7, 2017
- sprint
- 39.98632,-75.20308
- Philadelphia, PA (USA)
- Hosted By: Philadelphia Scholastic Rowing Association
Traffic Pattern – Philadelphia City Championship – 2017
Time Trials / Traffic Pattern for the Start:
- Launching from the Temple dock - Launch facing upriver, stay on East side in '0' lane, do not cross the river.
- Row up to the marshal above the 2000 M course start line.
- Stay in numerical order, if possible .
- A marshal will provide instructions for staging and will send crews into our 1500 M start.
- Crews should be at full pressure at 1500 M.
- Use Lane 4 for boats with bow numbers ending with an even digit.
- Use lane 5 for boats with bow numbers ending with an odd digit.
- Boats will be launched every 15 seconds.
Note : Crews launching from Boat House Row / stay on the West side of the river till above the 2000M course start. Do not cross the river.
Time Trials Traffic Pattern / Back to the Recovery Dock:
- After the finish, do not stop, row through Columbia Bridge.
- Marshals will turn crews around and provide instructions for returning up river.
- Crews launching from Boat House Row may continue down river.
- Crews launching from the Temple dock will return using the East side '0' lane and will not cross the river to the City dock for recivery.
- Crews will row back through the Columbia Bridge and remain close to the East wall; being careful not to move out into the racing lanes.
- Approach the dock in single file; listen for instructions from the DockMaster.
Sprint Racing Traffic Pattern:
Launching & recovery will follow the standard Schuylkill Navy Traffic Pattern.
Sprint Launching:
- Launch from the Temple Dock up river and row to the Strawberry Mansion Bridge.
- Stop at the bridge and await instructions from the Marshal to cross.
- Row directly over to the West Side and continue up to the Marshal near the the 2000M course start.
- Marshals will turn and send crews down to the start.
- Look ahead for stake boats and the start tower anchored in the river.
Note: Crews launching from Boat House Row / stay on the West side of the river till above the 2000M course start. Do not cross the river.
Sprint Recovery:
- At the finish row through the Columbia Bridge.
- Turn to starboard, i.e. toward the West side.
- Row back through the Columbia Bridge using a West side arch.
- Row up on the west side of Peters Island, till you reach the Crossing Marshal at the head of the island.
- The Marshal will provide crossing instructions; sending crews directly over to the '0' lane on the East side.
- Crews will return up the '0' lane in single file; staying close to the wall and being careful not to interfere with crews racing down in lane '1'.