City Championships
- May 6, 2017 To May 7, 2017
- sprint
- 39.98632,-75.20308
- Philadelphia, PA (USA)
- Hosted By: Philadelphia Scholastic Rowing Association
Traffic & Parking Advisory for May 6 & 7 City Championships
PSRA City Championships
Date Effective: May 6, 2017 12:00 am
Location: Kelly Drive Regatta Closure
There are important safety and security procedures regarding closure of the race course portion of Kelly Drive on May 6 & 7, 2017. The below regulations are in addition to the normal parking rules in effect during the Flicks.
SATURDAY MAY 6, 2017 – Racing begins at 12:30 pm
- Temporary police regulation/traffic control will restrict parking/stopping/standing in the Grandstand Parking Lot and the St. Joe’s/Temple Boathouse Parking Lot from 12am through 6am on May 6, 2017.
- On May 6, 2017, between the hours of 12:00 am and 6:00 am, the Philadelphia Police will patrol Kelly Drive and any vehicles/trailers in these areas will be ordered to leave. Vehicles/trailers parked on the grass/sidewalk are illegally parked and may be cited. These vehicles/trailers will be ordered to leave. Any vehicle or trailer left unattended may be cited by the Philadelphia Police and towed by the Philadelphia Parking Authority.
- PSRA will begin entry of vehicles after 7am upon full closure of the affected portion of Kelly Drive.
- 7 – 8 am – Boat Trailers, Coaches with Coach passes, LOC, Launch Drivers, Referees, Staff. LOC and launch drivers must have passes. Boat trailers are NOT allowed to park in the lots Friday night or before 7 am. Staff will direct parking.
- 8 – 9 am – Chuckwagons Only
- 9 am – School buses, other pass holders, athlete and spectator drop off.
- Parking passes have been distributed to teams. The number of passes for City Championship is less than the number issued for the Flicks series. Upon Entry, the pass is collected. No Re-Entry is permitted. There are TWO passes: One dated May 6 for Saturday and one dated May 7 for Sunday. You must have a May 6 pass to enter on Saturday; you must have a May 7 pass to enter on Sunday. A Saturday pass will not allow admission for Sunday and vice versa.
- Marked school food trailers/chuck wagons and their tow vehicles entering in tandem DO NOT REQUIRE a parking pass for entry. Unmarked food trailers/chuck wagons and their tow vehicles entering in tandem require ONE [1] parking pass for entry. The tow vehicle must remain at the venue or have a parking pass for re-entry if traveling without the marked school food trailer/chuck wagon in tandem.
- Boat trailer tow vehicles that choose to depart the venue after initial entry with their boat trailer will be permitted re-entry after 4:30PM without a parking pass. Re-Entry prior to 4:30PM will requires a parking or trailer pass.
- School buses and vans transporting student-athletes do not require a parking pass but must park past the finish line on the east side of the drive beyond the road curvature. Parking in any other location is a violation of City parking regulations and subject to ticketing/towing by the Philadelphia Police and Philadelphia Parking Authority.
- Recreation Vehicles are prohibited from parking at the PSRA City Championships in the Grandstand Parking Lot, SJU/Temple Parking Lot and along the Kelly Drive Closure.
- Boat trailers, chuckwagons, and other vehicles may be left overnight Saturday into Sunday as the Drive will be closed overnight. We cannot guarantee security for chuckwagons, spectator vehicles and tents.
SUNDAY, MAY 7, 2017- Coaches meeting at 7:30 am, racing begins at 9 am.
- PSRA will begin entry of vehicles after 6am upon full closure of the affected portion of Kelly Drive.
- 6 – 7 am - Coaches with Coach passes, LOC, Launch Drivers, Referees, Staff. LOC and launch drivers must have passes.
- 7 am – All other vehicles
- Trailer and chuck wagon tow vehicles that leave at the end of Saturday’s racing, must have a May 7 pass to re-enter on Sunday. Boat trailer drivers may obtain a Trailer pass at the regatta if they do not have one already or may re-enter after 4:30 pm.
- Parallel park on the Drive – your vehicle will be towed.
- Double park on the Drive or in the Grandstand lot - your vehicle will be towed.
- Attempt to save spots with cones, chairs, bikes etc. Those will be removed.
- Put your grills, tables etc. in the Grandstand lot.
- Curse at, yell at, be belligerent with or touch parking volunteers and staff. You will be asked to leave. Be patient and courteous. You are going to a rowing race and a cookout, not the emergency room.
- Be considerate and respectful of your neighbors. We all need to set a good example for our kids.
- Schools that violate the temporary police regulation traffic control will be sanctioned BY PSRA.
Questions and concerns, contact Jeremy Gonzalez Ibrahim at