Head of the Hooch

  • Hosted By: Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc., Lookout Rowing Club
  • 2016 Registered Regatta
  • USRowing Registered (Self-Insured regatta)

2016 Head of the Hooch Registration Process

  • Guaranteed Entries – Guaranteed entries will be available to boats with an adjusted time within 10% of the winning adjusted time in each event from the 2015 Head of the Hooch. Guaranteed Entry Codes (GECs) will be awarded to the crew for all events except 1x races. GECs from 1x events will be awarded to the rower and be usable for any 1x event. RegattaCentral will provide your guaranteed entry code via email. Please ensure your crew’s contact information is accurate on RegattaCentral. If you do not receive your GEC prior to registration opening please contact the Registrar.
  • Lottery – All non-guaranteed entries will be placed into a lottery. Each event has a cap as listed on our event schedule page. Boats will be placed into events in the following order until the cap has been reached:
    • Guaranteed Entries – top 10% from previous year
    • Random Draw of remaining “A” boats registered for the event, excluding composite entries.
    • Random Draw of remaining “B” boats registered for the event and all composite entries registered for the event.
    • Random Draw of “C” boats registered for the event
    • Continue drawing boats until all have been placed
  • Any entry that isn’t drawn prior to reaching the event cap will be added to a waitlist for the event in random draw order. Should any entries scratch, waitlisted boats will be accepted. Once your boat is accepted from the lottery payment will immediately be due. No registered boat will be allowed to move from one event to another and no entries will be added after the bow draw. Should an event not reach its cap, the remaining slots will be added to another event(s) on the same day.
  • Early Entries – Crews traveling more than 1250 miles to Chattanooga, TN can receive an early decision on entries. Please fill out the following form to request early acceptance: HOH Early Entry Application. A maximum of 150 entries will be accepted via this process. All crews will be notified between August 1st and September 12th. Any entries not accepted via this process may still enter via the lottery. If you have any questions, please contact the registrar.
  • Entry Limits – There are no limits on the number of entries a crew can request per day or event, nor are there any limits on the number of races a rower can compete in. However, please keep in mind the penalties for scratching or “no-showing” a race.
  • Seeding – Will only apply to boats that register with a GEC. Boats will be seeded in all events. Boats will be seeded based on prior year’s raw finishing times, including in handicapped events.
  • Schedule Changes for 2016 – The full schedule can be seen here. Please review the start times closely as daylight savings falls between racing on Saturday and Sunday. NOTE: Start times are not final and will be revised with final entries counts. The following event changes have been made:
    • Adjustments to the ordering of 8+s and 4+s races on Saturday to allow for optimal boat usage and equal spacing of time between 8+ and 4+ events for Men and Women.
    • Addition of a Parent/Child 2x event on Sunday.
    • Addition of Men’s and Women’s Open 4- on Sunday.
    • Return of the Mixed Open 4+ on Saturday and the Mixed Youth Novice 8+ to Sunday.
    • Removal of The Octopede 8x.
  • Rules of Racing – Please read through our updated Rules of Racing and Event Definitions pages.



  • Registration: Sept 14th thru Sept 27th

  • Lottery Draw posted on Sept 30th
  • Loss of Entry Fees for accepted entries: Immediately following the posting of the lottery draw.
  • Scratch Fee Applies after Oct 9th
  • Bow Draw posted and last entry taken from Wait List: Oct. 22nd
  • Last Day to change Line-ups: Nov. 3rd



All entries and payments for the Hooch are processed through RegattaCentral.  The Hooch is registered with USRowing and accepts the once-a-year USRowing waiver. All waivers are due by November 3rd.

There is a free basic USRowing membership that allows you to sign the waiver online. For more information on submitting your waiver, visit USRowing or contact USRowing at 800-314-4ROW or members@usrowing.org

All masters and alumni boats will be required to enter their lineups and birthdays as they register. All singles entries must enter their lineup. All other entries must have their lineups entered by November 3rd or they will be scratched. Having rowers in the correct seat is not necessary, however, showing them in the correct boat is required.



The 2016 Head of the Hooch Regatta entry fees are as follows:

8+ $130.00
4x/4- $95.00
2x/2- $55.00
1x $45.00



Credit card information will be required to place an entry or application. The credit card will be charged for any guaranteed entries, and held for any entries into the lottery. The cards will be charged automatically for any entries are accepted from the lottery. If you need to pay with a check, please contact the registrar.



There will be no refunds for any accepted entries. After your boat has been accepted from the lottery, entry fees are due. Any boat that scratches after October 9th will incur an additional $50 scratch fee. Any scratch fees incurred will be posted to the crew’s RegattaCentral account. Payments can be made using a credit card on RegattaCentral or with check or cash at the regatta venue. All scratch fees collected will be donated to a rowing charity after the regatta. All fees must be paid prior to receiving your bow numbers. Any crew with unpaid fees from the previous year’s Hooch will not be allowed to enter until their balance is paid.



Representatives of clubs (and single scullers) must check in at Registration at the venue and receive bow markers. Shells without correct bow markers will not be permitted to launch.

Regatta registration at the riverfront venue will be open as follows:

  • Friday, November 4th – 1:00 pm until 7:00 pm
  • Saturday, November 5th – 7:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • Sunday, November 6th – 6:00 am to 11:00 am