Cascadia Masters Championships

  • Hosted By: Cascadia Regatta Association


Cascadia Masters Championship 2016

Burnaby Lake - July 16 & 17

Our Cascadia Crew volunteers have made this regatta the largest Masters regatta in Canada.

We expect this year to be another banner year building on last year's Canadian Masters which broke all records.  If you were with us in the past, thank you and we would love to see you again.  If you are new to us or even rowing and would like to experience the regatta from the sidelines, we have a great front row seat just for you. Friends and family make great volunteers too with time off to cheer on your races.

Please consider helping this year in one of these positions:


At the Boathouse:
     Parking, Site set-up, Ramp Control, Blade Runner

At the Start Line:
Stake Boat Holder, Race Number Attendant

In the Engine Room:
Race Check-In, Announcer, Registration

At the Finish Line:
Finish Line Team, Results Runner, Site Tear Down

If you hold a PCOC - you are a hot commodity and we definitely want to hear from you soon.  If you worked in an area last year and really enjoyed the task, please let us know and we can be sure to build on your expertise.

Of course, it's all about the racing - if you can spare some time between your races - let us know and we will find a spot and time that doesn't interfere with your races.

For your trouble, you will receive a collectable tee shirt, snacks and drinks while you are on your shift and lunch for 2 or more shifts.  We will also send your club $4 per hour as a thank you and new this year are prizes for the top three clubs who volunteer the most number of hours.

Good for you, good for your club - good for rowing!


There are two ways to register this year:

OR if you are unsure of where you would best fit in or have any questions, just drop a line to Shelley at [email protected]

Thanks for helping out:

Cascadia Local Organizing Committee

Cinda Ewton, Shelley Fletcher, Jane McCall, Bill Myra, Stephanie Payne