6 Bridges Regatta

  • Hosted By: Arkansas Boathouse Club, Inc
  • 2016 Registered Regatta
  • Cancelled




Saturday, October 15, 2016

Host:  Arkansas Boathouse Club

A non-profit, 501(c)(3) Organization


In this packet you will find information about the 3rd Annual

Six Bridges Regatta - Events, Instructions, and how to participate


If you need any information, please contact Regatta Director, Ted Riedeburg at rowcoachjax@gmail.com

General Information


    Regatta Location:  224 S. Locust Street, North Little Rock, AR 72114


    Registration Deadline:  Monday, October 9th, 11:59 p.m.


    Registration Method:  www.regattacentral.com


    Waiver:  This is a USRowing registered event which accepts the once-a-

    year online waiver.


    Entry Changes:  Contact Ted Riedeburg for any entry changes at





The Head Race follows a 4000 meter course starting downstream (east) of the regatta site in North Little Rock.  Due to Broadway Bridge construction, the course will finish just east of the Junction Pedestrian Bridge.  The 350M Sprint starts just west of the I-30 Bridge, and will have the same finish line as the head race.  (See map details under Venue at www.regattacentral.com)


The 350M Sprint Racecourse starts just upstream of the I-30 bridge and finishes at the same place as the Head Race.  Starting floating platforms will be anchored after the conclusion of the Head Race.  


Friday practice:  The course will be open to practice starting at 3:30 p.m.and will end at 6:45 p.m.  No boats will be allowed to launch after 6:00 p.m.  Follow traffic pattern for the head race,  (see below) no sprint practice will be allowed.


Clockwise Traffic Pattern:  Boats heading to the starting line will launch from the dock to the downstream side of the boat ramp, and row close to the north shore.  There will be a line of yellow and/or white buoys on your starboard side marking the racecourse. Stay closer to the north shore as you head to the starting line.  Do not row past the marshalling area. As you approach the starting line, marshalls will be getting you in bow number order.  Once you pass the starting shoot, follow the buoys downstream, then turn toward starboard and head upstream toward the starting shoot.  Keep the buoys on your starboard side as you race down the course.  Row through the finish line, which is located just downstrearm of the Junction Bridge, and the Junction Bridge (pedestrian bridge) before slowing down and turning back toward the north shore and dock area.  Do not stop at the finish line or under the bridge.  When you arrive back at the dock, wait for the dockmaster’s instruction on which dock to use.  Most boats will use the return dock on the downstream side of the boat ramp.


Sprint Races

Boats will qualify for the Henley-style sprints based on their finishing times in the Head Race.  Raw times (including any penalties) will be used in ranking 8 boats in the Men’s and Women’s 8’s and 1X races (novice races are not included).  Master’s boats will qualify for the sprints with their raw score (without handicap). In the event there is a tie for the 8th spot, one sprint will be held between these crews to determine the 8th spot.  If there are less than 8, a single elimination or for the bottom boats or a "bye" for the top boats will be included in the schedule.  All boats from each category (Open/Junior/Masters/ Collegiate) will be grouped together to determine the fastest boat on the water.

Starts for the sprint races will be "floating starts" with an aligner stationed on the north shore and a start boat behind the crews.  Quick start will be called once the boats are in alignment ("attention, row") so be ready to go!

Once the top 8 teams are determined, a bracket will be set up in single elimination format.  After each sprint, the winner will remain on the water and return back to the staging area behind the starting area.  Crews will be called up by officials as teams are eliminated and winners are paired up according to the bracket format.  The final race in each event will be awarded a gold medal and an event trophy.


Oar Staging

Oars may not be staged on the launch dock.  It is requested that launching boats be accompanied by assistants.


Overnight Security

Security will be provided Friday night. No shell storage is available in the Boathouse.


The Six Bridges Regatta Committee will schedule launch times to allow sufficient time to row to the start with consideration for the Arkansas River current on each race day. Average observed flow fluctuates from 10-20 kcfs, but may reach 50-60 kcfs. In this section of our river, single and double scullers are advised to exercise caution at 40-50 kcfs depending on other weather conditions. The NOAA flow forcast is updated daily at ~10am here: http://www.srh.noaa.gov/abrfc/forecast.php?site_id=LITA4


The start line for the Head Race is located 3,500 meters downstream from the boat launching area. Yellow and/or white buoys will separate the race course from the downstream traffic. Shells are required to stay between the North side of the river and the buoy line while proceeding to the start. This rule applies on the designated practice day as well as on race day.


Minimal regatta marshals will be on the course during the practice session held on Friday, October 14th from 3:00 to 7:00 pm. For safety purposes, no boats shall be allowed to launch after 6:30 pm. All crews must be off the water no later than 7:00 pm. During practice, race traffic patterns apply throughout the course. Penalties may be assessed for repeated infractions.




Boats should queue for launch in bow number order. Boats racing must carry a bow number, provided by the Six Bridges Regatta denoting their assigned starting position. Please follow directions of the officials. Oars may not be staged on the launch dock.  It is requested that launching boats be accompanied by assistants.  Bow numbers can be kept by the crews.


Coxswain space requirements for bow coxed shells as defined in the US Rowing Association Rules of Rowing 2015 Edition Section 3-110 shall apply.


Shoe heel ties and bowball requirements shall be in accordance with US Rowing Association Rules of Rowing 2015 Edition Sections 3-105 and 3-109.


"Every boat shall have a supple or plastic ball, of a white or fluorescent color, firmly attached and mounted on its bow, unless equivalent provision for visibility and protection against puncture injury is included in the boat's basic construction. The bowball shall be at least 4 centimeters in diameter." Section 3-105


"Where the feet of the competitor are held in place by footgear affixed to the structure of the boat, the design of such footgear shall provide for the quick release of the competitor's feet in case of emergency, without the use of hands. Any pull strings shall now allow the heel to raise more than three inches (7.5 cm) above the foot board to which it is anchored." Section 3-109


Safety Checkpoint

All boats will be checked and tagged by referees for safe footgear and bow balls. If such equipment is not present, the crew will have limited time to make corrections or that boat will not be allowed to launch.  Boats will be checked each time they prepare to access the launching docks.


C & C Meeting

The Coaches and Coxswains meeting will be held Saturday morning at 7:00 a.m. in front of the Arkansas Boathouse Club.


Event Times/Announcements

There will be only ONE call to launch prior to each event. The launch officials at Control Commission will encourage all boats to launch on time, but it is expected that crews be aware of their launch times and not depend solely on calls to launch from regatta officials.




Crews shall be responsible for maintaining their proper starting position, for maintaining the proper interval between themselves and other crews and for aligning themselves in the start chute after they have been marshalled by officials.


For safety purposes and efficiency of starting boats, the committee asks coaches to please refrain from sending first time coxswains out on the water. If a coxswain is deemed unsafe by the Dockmaster or Start Marshal the boat will be not be allowed to race.


At the start, crews will be called to the start chute on approximately 10-second intervals. Starting order priority will given to last year's top finishers. New competitors will start as result of random draw.


All crews not currently involved in the staging of the start shall yield to crews being summoned by the Start Marshal. Interference with the staging of the start shall result in a penalty.  To assist with this, please try to launch when your event is called, and launch with boats in your race, preferably in bow number order.


If racing is delayed, the Start Marshal shall provide for a sufficient amount of time between events so that crews in different events do not overlap at the finish line.


One crew is deemed to be overtaking another crew when it has moved to within one length of open water of the crew ahead. On the portions of the course that are straight, a crew being overtaken shall move to the starboard and allow the overtaking crew to pass. Where the course turns, a crew being overtaken shall move to the outside of the turn and allow the overtaking crew to pass along the shorter path. Strokes in coxed boats shall advise their coxswains when an approaching boat closes to within one boat length of open water.


Crews will be disqualified if they cross the finish line missing a crew member. After crossing the finish line, crews shall continue to row and slowly proceed to the turnaround area as marked, avoiding interference with other crews.



Intent to file a protest must be indicated to an official on the water immediately following the finish of a race.  After a crew leaves the takeout docks, all rights to protest are waived.


The regatta will consider a protest from a coach or coaching representative per US Rowing Association rules. A fee of $20 will be charged for each protest. The protest must be filed with the Control Commission, located at the Arkansas Boathouse Club Boathouse, and the fee must be paid within 45 minutes of the last boat finish time for the race in question. Successful protests will be refunded their protest fee. The Regatta Jury will consider appeals from crews who have been assessed a penalty.



All race results become “Official” 45 minutes following the last boat to finish in an event if no protests are pending.  HereNow will have live results through their website, and print outs will be posted at regatta headquarters (ABC Boathouse).


The Dock Master asks that athletes cooperate and get off the dock ASAP so that a delay penalty does not need to be assessed.



  • 10-second penalty for passing a buoy on the wrong side

  • 10-second penalty for failing to follow Officials’ instructions

  • 20-second penalty for interfering with start staging

  • 20-second penalty for not getting off the dock in an efficient manner (90 sec max)

  • 30-second penalty for failing to yield to crew with right-of-way

  • 60-second penalty for crossing the starting line without required bow number



Hot Seating

Hot Seating will be permitted on land in the launching area with designated card (see below). Crews will approach the return dock, take their boat out of the water and move to the designated area for hot seating. The new crew taking control of the boat will pick up the boat and join the queue for boats going onto the racecourse from the launch dock. Crews will not hot seat at the return dock.


Boats wanting to hot seat must have the coxswain pick up an orange card at Control Commission. Hot seat cards will be available on Saturday from 7:00 - 10:00 am. The coxswain should display the card over his/her head for the Dockmaster to see as they approach the return dock. Under safe conditions, the hot seating boat will be given priority docking.



Six Bridges Regatta will use the handicap formula as listed in the US Rowing Associations Rules for Rowing 2016 Edition. Handicaps are rounded to the nearest second.




Age classifications are extracted from the US Rowing Association Rules of Rowing 2015 Edition Section 4-104.

Masters crews shall be classified by age according to the following categories:

  • (AA) 21 to 26 years

  • (A) 27 to 35 years

  • (B) 36 to 42 years

  • (C) 43 to 49 years

  • (D) 50 to 54 years

  • (E) 55 to 59 years

  • (F) 60 to 64 years

  • (G) 65 to 69 years

  • (H) 70 to 74 years

  • (I) 75 to 79 years

  • (J) 80 and over

The age category of a Masters crew shall be determined by the average age of the rowers in the crew, rounded to the nearest integer. The age of a coxswain shall not be counted. The ages of individual rowers need not fall within the age category, so long as each rower is a Master and so long as the average age of the crew falls within the applicable category.


The correct age must be provided for each crew member. If any age is missing, no handicap will be assigned to the boat. Calculated handicaps will be available for review at registration. Any handicap corrections must be submitted to registration in writing, including name and age of each participant. No handicap changes will be accepted after the crew has received their registration packet.



Within a single organization, boats are placed by designation (A, B etc.).


Entering several boats with the ‘A’ designation will not result in better bow number assignments.


Swapping boat lineups to ‘trade’ bow numbers is not permitted.


Crews are responsible for maintaining proper position at the start




College and Club events are limited to scullers, rowers, and coxswains who do not have Varsity status (except for novice events) and did not finish in the top six places in any class or event at any of the following Regattas in the calendar year or the preceding year: NCAA Championship, Canadian Henley, EARC, EAWRC, PAC-10, IRA, Dad Vail, any National Team Trial, National Championships, Head of the Charles, or Head of the Schuylkill.


Junior events are limited to scullers, rowers, and coxswains currently enrolled in high school or younger, do not attain the age of 19, or who are and have been continuously enrolled in secondary school as a full time student seeking a diploma.


Due to NCAA rules defining recruiting violations, high school rowers and coxswains may only enter events identified as Junior NO EXCEPTIONS.


Masters/Open events are limited to scullers and rowers who have each attained at least 18 years of age during the calendar year. For Master 2x, 4x, 4+, and 8+ the age of the crew will be the average of the rowers (except for coxswain). Age handicapping for Master events will follow US Rowing Association standards.


Masters AA-D 1x events are limited to rowers whose ages meet the requirements for the US Rowing Association Masters AA through D age categories only.


Masters E-J 1x events are limited to rowers whose ages meet the requirements for the US Rowing Association Masters E through J age categories only.


Novice events are limited to scullers, rowers, and coxswains who have been competing for one year or less on the day of the Six Bridges Regatta. Experience in sculling events does not count as experience in sweep events and vice versa.


Men’s events are for male scullers and rowers only. Women’s events are for female scullers and rowers only. Coxswains may be of either gender.


Mixed crews shall have an equal number of men and of women. Coxswains may be of either gender.


Composite Boats must meet the following requirements:

  • 8+ cannot contain more than 6 members of the same club, not including the coxswain

  • 4x/4+ cannot contain more than 2 members of the same club, not including a coxswain