Texas Rowing Championships
- Apr 16, 2016 To Apr 17, 2016
- sprint
- Lady Bird Lake
- Austin, TX (USA)
- Hosted By: Austin Rowing Club
- 2016 Registered Regatta
2016 Texas Rowing Championship Regatta Rules
What's different this year?
The most significant innovation is that in each Junior event, the number of entries per club is initially limited to 2. Each club’s entries over 2 in an event will be added as requests to the event’s RegattaCentral waitlist. On Thursday March 17, waitlist requests will be accepted from each event’s waiting list, up to the per-event limit of 28, in round-robin order of clubs. Each club’s waitlist requests will be accepted in alphabetical order of seed.
Our purpose is to ensure a fair distribution of entries from competing clubs, and to spare entrants the ordeal of rushing to get their entries in at the stroke of midnight. We think that meaningful competition occurs not in getting entries in first, but in crossing the finish line first.