Northwest Indoor Rowing Championships - NW Ergomania!

  • Hosted By: Pocock Youth Rowing

Education Workshops:

These workshops are intended to educate rowers at all levels and interested parents on topics relevant to specific rowing age groups. Please read through the descriptions below for each session. Cost is free for anyone competing at NWErgomania 2016, and $20 for those not competing (parents, fans, non-racing rowers). Register through the Regatta Central Registration Form or by emailing



Title: Training Design

Time: 12:30 - 1:30pm

Presenter: Marsa Daniel, MS

Cost: FREE with Ergomania registration, $20 without registration

How does our physiology change as we age? What adaptations should be made to training in our thirties and beyond? Join us for a discussion on how to keep performing at your best through each decade of life. 



Title: USRowing Adaptive Education

Time: 1:30 - 3:00pm

Presenter: Deb Arenberg

Cost: FREE with Ergomania registration, $20 without registration

An opportunity to learn about adaptive rowing, athlete classification, adaptive equipment, and Para Rowing. Network with people and clubs in the region and learn how you can help support and develop adaptive rowing for juniors, masters and veterans in the northwest.


JUNIORS: Session I

Title: Finding the Right College Fit

Time: 3:00 - 4:00pm

Presenter: Dr. Sara Lopez

Cost: FREE with Ergomania registration, $20 without registration

How do you find universities and rowing programs that are the best fit for you? This session will provide insights on the many important variables as you choose a college and continue your rowing. You'll get tips for asking the right questions of coaches and advisors, so you can make an informed decision and succeed once you get on campus. Parents, you're welcome to attend this session. All participants must register at



Title: Be Your Own Biggest Fan

Time: 4:05 - 5:00pm

Presenter: Dr. Hannah Olson

Cost: FREE with Ergomania registration, $20 without registration

Learn how to get the support you need from your teammates, coaches, and parents so you can achieve your rowing goals. This session will teach easy strategies for communication and personal accountability so you can give your best each day. Especially tailored for middle school, novice and junior varsity youth rowers.