Western Canadian University Rowing Championship
- Oct 18, 2015
- sprint
- Burnaby Lake
- Burnaby, BC (CAN)
- Hosted By: Burnaby Lake Rowing Club
ON FRIDAY night and Saturday morning you may park your trailers in the pavilion parking lot. There will be overnight security Friday but the LOC will not be responsible for lost or stolen property.
Trailers will be parked at the south end of the parking lot at the Burnaby Lake Rowing Pavilion. Please park trailers parallel to each other in a north/south direction (like last year). Boats are to be rigged and stored at the north end of the parking lot south of the entrance onto the apron surrounding the boathouse. Cars for athletes, coaches and spectators can not be in the trailer / rigging area and must use the overflow parking lot located north of the entrance to the rowing pavilion.
All trailers must vacate the pavilion parking lot at the end of the regatta on Saturday.
Crews will be permitted to train on the course Friday from noon until 5pm till dusk. Coach boats will be available and coaches must ensure there is a coach boat on the water with their crew for safety. There will be access to the BLRC boathouse and washrooms. Course flow pattern will be posted onsite.
Friday evening at 5:30pm in the pavilion at the rowing course.
Scales will open for official weigh in on Saturday 2 hours prior to the first lightweight race.
Men – max 73.5 kg
Women – max 60 kg
Men – min 55 kg
Women – min 50 kg
All crews must have bow ball and heel ties properly secured prior to checking in. Check-in will be located on the concourse just before the top of the ramp. From this point on all crews must be prepared to launch and row. Oars must accompany all boats to the water. Shoes must be removed from the dock after launching. Only one coach per team will be permitted on the dock for launching and landing crews.
Crews wishing to hot seat must report to the dock master.
Medals will be presented to winning crews on the dock immediately following each final. Point’s trophies will be presented at the end of the regatta.