25-SEP  Download the Coaches Certification Form
| - COACHES CERTIFICATION. In the interest of a smooth check-in process and a double-check on safety items, we will be asking all coaches to certify that they are compliant with waivers and the safety of their equipment. Download the Coaches Certification form (one page PDF) and sign all sections that apply. Blank forms will be available at check-in.
24-SEP 20:30  Download latest Event Schedule
| - EVENT SCHEDULE is further slightly revised. Version 4.0 has just been published. In this near-final version, we have moved RC#29 and RC#30 to after RC#41. This allows for better re-use of athletes of the lightweight species to row the Men's and Women's 4+ and 8+ events. But they'll still need to hurry to make both. The only anticipated changes at this point may be race-day calls by referees or small combinations of lightly subscribed events with others in a similar class. As always, we strive to keep start times constant. Check the new schedule online or download the schedule to Excel using the link at the left.
- C&C Meeting Reminder: Sunday morning, 7:15a at the boathouse.
24-SEP  Download latest Event Schedule
| - REGISTRATION IS CLOSED. Write to [email protected] before Wednesday to check on availability for late registration. Clearly state your name or RC userid so that we avoid back/forth emails if we are able to assign you late entry status.
- EVENT SCHEDULE is slightly revised. START TIMES have been modified to account for subscription rates in each event. Visit the Event Schedule page for more details. Summary: No event moves more than 45' later or 15' earlier than shown on the originally posted schedule.
 Download the USRA Waiver
- WAIVERS. If you need paper waivers to sign, we have the USRA Waiver here on our site (PDF format). Print as many as you need. Hopefully you were able to waiver through RC when you registered and the paper forms won't be necessary. Read last year's FAQ on waivers if you need clarification; we believe the same rules are in place this year.
- WAIVERS, the sequel. Yes, you can bring your waivers to check-in on Saturday or Sunday. If you have already mailed them, that's fine we will catch them at the PO box, but at this point forward, do not mail any waivers, just bring them to check-in. Coaches will be asked to sign a "waiver waiver", certifying that you are supplying the correct and complete waivers for all of your athletes. We simply don't have time at check-in to match waivers to your rosters.
21-SEP | - After some discussion at our timing meeting, and with feedback from our head referee, the following language was added to the Start rules:
"Crews late to the start may start at the discretion of the referees at the start line. If a late crew is allowed to start a time will be recorded, however the publication of this time within the results of the original event and/or the boat's standing in the event are not guaranteed."
The point of this rule is that Powerhouse timing technology technically allows for boats to row in any order at any time. But it may be unfair or unsafe for a boat to run so far removed from the event in which they were registered. Discretion of the referees is final. |
20-SEP | - The Mixed 8+ event has been switched from Masters to Open. This is RC #22.
- Registration rate is on pace to crack 400 boats; REMINDER -- DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION IS SUNDAY NIGHT.
14-SEP | - T-SHIRTS. The T-Shirt order has been placed -- thanks to Tricon Sports in Lexington, MA. Shirts will be on sale for $15 at the regatta. We sold out by 1pm last year, so we've ordered more for this year. Check out the artists rendition of what they will look like.
12-SEP | - HOTELS. Mention "TRR" at the Fairfield Inn -- $79/night. Mention "Textile Regatta" to Hawthorn Suites to get the preferred TRR room rate of $89/nite, a few bucks lower than last year. More hotel information on the Directions page.
- MEDALS. Yes, Medals for first, second and third place in all events.
11-SEP | - C&C MEETING. Yes, there will be a Coaches and Coxswains meeting on Sunday morning at 7:00pm sharp. Heed the words of Amanda or incur the Wrath of Mal. Your choice.
05-SEP | - CHARITY. Today is my mother's birthday, and she would guilt you into supporting the TRR Charities much better than I can, but I'll try my best. When you complete your registration at Regatta Central, consider making a small donation to this year's TRR Charities -- the American Stroke Association and the Lowell House of Hope. If you take a moment to read about the good works performed by these two worthy groups, you'll quickly see that the leverage of our small contributions can go a long way.
Or as my mother would say; "make the donation, you don't want to burn in hell for eternity, do you?"
For more information, visit the TRR Charities web page. |
04-SEP | - REGISTER NOW. Registration is open at Regatta Central. RC says that registration closes on 9/29, but for the sanity of our registration folks, this is going to change to Sunday night, 9/23. Late fees apply after that date, $10 per entry.
- NEW EVENT MIXED 8+. Note that we are testing the waters with a new event - the Mixed 8+ which we think might be popular with crews coming to race the masters 8 events later in the day. Event #8 at 11:30...
02-SEP | - Event Schedule has been posted. Order of events will likely not change; start times may change slightly depending on the level of subscription for each event. Check the web site after registration is closed and a final schedule is posted.