FSRA Sculling Championships
- Apr 16, 2016 To Apr 17, 2016
- sprint
- Benderson Park
- Sarasota, FL (USA)
- Hosted By: Florida Scholastic Rowing Association
2016 FSRA State Sculling Championship Regatta Rules & Information
Racing will be conducted under the USRowing “Rules of Racing” and FSRA Rules.
- The FSRA State Championship regatta is an association regatta open to current Scholastic and Youth team members of the Florida Scholastic Rowing Association.
- FSRA teams must be in good standing with the association and all delinquent fees and dues must be paid prior to any entry being accepted from that team.
- An Eligible Athlete is a competitor who in the current calendar year does not attain the age of 19 and has been enrolled in secondary school as a full-time student seeking a diploma from the State of Florida, or who in the current calendar year did attain the age of 19 and is and has been continuously enrolled in secondary school as a full-time student seeking a diploma from the State of Florida. A competitor thus ceases to be an Eligible Athlete after December 31 of the year of his or her 18th birthday, or of the year in which he or she completes the 12th grade of secondary school, having been a continuous full-time student, whichever is later.
- New rowing programs will not be allowed special entry exceptions.
Qualifying for SRAA
- FSRA Florida State Championship Regattas are SRAA qualifying events for Scholastic FSRA teams.
- While students in grades 6-12 are eligible to compete in FSRA events, any boat attempting to qualify for SRAA Championship must only contain students in grades 9-12.
- Scholastic FSRA members will be invited based on their performance in a qualifying category – see www.SRAA.net for event categories and number of qualifying boats.
- Freshman events – see www.SRAA.net for specific event restrictions (9th grade only).
- Lightweight events – see www.SRAA.net for pre-qualifying requirements.
4x, 2x, 1x |
** The lightweight single, junior single and freshman double are NOT SRAA events and will not qualify for SRAA. Those wishing to qualify for the SRAA Varsity 1X event must enter the FSRA Varsity 1X event.
How to enter
- All teams must complete the entry process online at Regatta Central.
- Boatings must include the legal names of competitors (as it appears on photo ID and NOARA waiver for verification purposes)
- Boatings must include potential substitutes for those substitutes to be eligible to compete.
- NOARA waivers must be completed for each competitor including potential substitutes.
- Late entries will be accepted as long as open lanes are available; otherwise late entries will be wait-listed. Late entries will not be prioritized over entries already accepted. Additional outside lanes and additional races will not be added to accommodate late entries. Late entries will be charged an additional late entry fee and will not be seeded for heats.
- Scratch Policy:
- Scratches made after the standard entry deadline and before the late entry deadline forfeit their entry fee.
- Scratches after the late entry deadline and race no shows will incur an additional $50.00 Scratch Fee which is due before following crews are allowed to launch or future entries accepted. Verified medical exceptions will be accepted.
Entry Fees
4x |
$80 |
Regatta Meeting
Regatta meeting will begin at 7:00AM on Saturday at the finish line grand stand area.
- Meeting will cover scratches (at $50 each).
- Meeting will cover the officiating aspects relevant to this event.
- All races are 1500 meters or as close to this distance as the race venue safely allows.
- Doubling limits: Rower – 1 event only, no doubling.
- Males may not row in female events. Females may not row in male events.
- Composite crews (rowers from two or more FSRA Member teams in the same boat) are not permitted.
- Junior events are restricted to competitors in the 11th grade (junior year) or lower AND who have not attained the age of 18 years prior to September 1st of the current academic year (born after August 31, 1997).
- Freshman events are restricted to competitors in the 9th grade (freshman year) or lower.
- “B” entries are allowed full progression including winning awards and earning points; they must be valid entries (rowers listed without doubling athletes)
- “B” entries are accepted in Varsity 1x event
- “B” entries are wait-listed in all other events during standard registration window – wait-listed entries will be used to fill empty lanes; acceptance in order of time stamp of entry submission
- All boats will be equipped with a protective bow ball and quick release shoes. Boats not so equipped will be barred from launching.
- All boats will carry a bow number of their assigned race lane for identification. Bow numbers should be large enough to be easily visible with the naked eye from shore with good contrast between the number and the background. The team will be responsible to provide its bow number.
- Lightweight male rower maximum weight: 150 lbs. (no averaging)
- Lightweight female rower maximum weight: 130 lbs. (no averaging)
Lightweight Event Weigh-in Procedures
- Test scales for lightweight athletes will be open Friday in the weigh-in area from noon to 6:00PM.
- There will be only one official weigh-in period for the entire regatta on Saturday morning from 7:00AM to 9:00AM. All lightweight athletes must weigh in at this time.
- Lightweight athletes scheduled in the earlier races will be given priority.
- Team weigh-in forms will be auto-generated from Regatta Central registration. No forms are needed from the teams. Make sure all competitor names, including the names of substitutes, are properly registered.
- All rowers and an adult team representative must be present by boat dressed in their team uniform (uni) for weigh-ins.
- No weight allowance given for items the athlete is wearing during weigh-in.
- All substitutes will weigh in with their boat mates.
- Weigh-ins will be conducted as a yes/no system without actual weight being announced.
- Re-weighs will only be allowed if the rower is within one (1) pound of the event maximum and must be done within the weigh-in time window.
- Rowers making weight must attach the lightweight wristband around their wrist before leaving the weigh-in area.
- Wristbands are to remain in place until the conclusion of rowing in the regatta (2 days).
- Problems with wristbands must be brought to the attention of the official at regatta HQ.
Varsity Eligibility Check-in Procedures
- Varsity events are open to all eligible athletes as defined above.
- For the 2016 regattas, the honor system will be used for athlete eligibility for varsity events. The regatta committee reserves the right to conduct spot checks until all race results on Saturday are made official. Athletes not able to comply with spot checks by providing documentation to regatta HQ by 9 AM Sunday morning will not be eligible to compete. Boats without eligible substitutes will be removed from the races.
Lightweight Eligibility Check-in Procedures
- Lightweight events are open to all eligible athletes as defined above who meet the weight requirements.
- For the 2016 regattas, the honor system will be used for athlete eligibility for lightweight events. The regatta committee reserves the right to conduct spot checks until all race results on Saturday are made official. Athletes not able to comply with spot checks by providing documentation to regatta HQ by 9 AM Sunday morning will not be eligible to compete. Boats without eligible substitutes will be removed from the races.
Junior Eligibility Check-in Procedures
- Junior events are restricted to competitors in the 11th grade (junior year) or lower AND who have not attained the age of 18 years prior to September 1st of the current academic year.
- Birth date and grade validation will be conducted in the Hospitality Tent on Friday from noon to 6:00PM and on Saturday morning from 7:00AM to 9:00AM.
- FRIDAY Check-in is strongly encouraged! FRIDAY check-in can be done individually.
- Saturday Check-in requires ALL remaining un-checked rowers for the team and an adult team representative be present at the same time. No priority will be given regardless of the race schedule.
- Team Junior Check-in forms will be auto-generated from Regatta Central registration. No forms are needed from the teams. Make sure all competitor names, including the names of substitutes, are properly registered.
- Methods of validation for athletes in Junior events:
- Either each student brings a photo ID and school transcript or class schedule showing they are currently not a senior (11th grade or lower) and shows their birth date (either on the ID or school document).
- Or the coach provides a signed statement from their school on school letterhead that the named athletes are not a senior (11th grade or lower) and was born after August 31, 1997 (08-31-1997). Students must provide a photo ID to match the name on the school list.
- Junior rowers who are validated must attach the junior wristband around their wrist before leaving the check-in area.
- Wristbands are to remain in place until the conclusion of rowing in the regatta (2 days).
- Problems with wristbands must be brought to the attention of the official at regatta HQ.
Freshman Eligibility Check-in Procedures
- Freshman events are restricted to competitors in the 9th grade (freshman year) or lower.
- Grade only validation will be conducted in the Hospitality Tent on Friday from noon to 6:00PM and on Saturday morning from 7:00AM to 9:00AM.
- FRIDAY Check-in is strongly encouraged! FRIDAY check-in can be done individually.
- Saturday Check-in requires ALL remaining un-checked rowers for the team and an adult team representative be present at the same time. No priority will be given regardless of the race schedule.
- Team Freshman Check-in forms will be auto-generated from Regatta Central registration. No forms are needed from the teams. Make sure all competitor names, including the names of substitutes, are properly registered.
- Methods of validation for athletes in Freshman events:
- Either each student brings a photo ID (and school transcript or class schedule if their photo ID does not show their current grade level/graduating class).
- Or the coach provides a signed statement from their school on school letterhead that the named athlete is a freshman (9th grade or lower). Students must provide a photo ID to match the name on the school list.
- Freshman rowers who are validated must attach the freshman wristband around their wrist before leaving the check-in area.
- Wristbands are to remain in place until the conclusion of rowing in the regatta (2 days).
- Problems with wristbands must be brought to the attention of the official at regatta HQ.
Minimum Entries
For events with less than three (3) teams entered at the registration deadline, the following will be implemented:
- For non-SRAA qualifying events (Lightweight 1X, Freshman 2X), the race will be eliminated and the teams will be notified in advance of race day.
- For SRAA qualifying events with at least one scholastic entry, the race will be scheduled.
- For SRAA qualifying events without at least one scholastic entry, the race will be eliminated and the teams will be notified in advance of race day.
“B” Finals will be added for all events with 9 or more entrants.
“C” Finals will be added for Varsity and Lightweight events with 15 or more entrants.
Events with less than 8 entries (finals only) will race for lanes during heats.
The formula for progression to the final will be as follows: Link to 2016 FSRA Progression and Points Table.
Heats direct to finals option may be implemented if time constraints make it necessary. See Order of Events section below.
The FSRA Regatta Committee will seed entries with the objective to allow for the fastest crews to have a fair opportunity to progress to the finals. To be seeded, a crew needs to compete in their event in their FSRA District/Regional race; unseeded teams will be placed in random outside lanes.
Lane assignments for rep, semi, and final races will use a predetermined formula with the heat, rep, and semi winners receiving the center lanes under normal weather conditions. In the situation of prevailing strong cross winds, the FSRA Regatta Committee may implement an alternate lane assignment system so the fastest progression times will receive the windward lanes.
Order of Events
The following order of events will be used for regatta planning purposes which is based on entry levels from 2015. If the order must be alternated due to weather concerns, priority will be given to SRAA events based on SRAA number of bids (primary priority) and FSRA point schedule (secondary priority).
- First, second, and third place medals will be awarded for grand “A” finals only. A crew must not necessarily beat another crew to be awarded medals.
- The trophies will remain in the possession of the winning team for one (1) year and returned at the next State Championship Regatta.
- Teams failing to return trophies must pay a $500.00 replacement fee before they will be allowed to compete.
- Event and overall point trophies for first place teams will be awarded.
- Overall Youth Team Point Trophy will be awarded to the team with the highest total of points using top six points earning results (6 events) regardless of gender.
- Event trophies for first place scholastic teams will be awarded.
- Overall Scholastic Team Point Trophy will be awarded to the scholastic team with the highest total of points using top six points earning results (6 events) regardless of gender
Points Table
Link to 2016 FSRA Progression and Points Table.
- Protests shall be registered on the water in accordance with USRowing rules.
- The protest must be accompanied by a $50.00 fee, returned if the protest is upheld.
- Disposition of the protest will follow the USRowing rules.
- Appeals from the Jury shall be resolved by members of Regatta Committee present at the regatta.
Inclement Weather Procedure
The FSRA Regatta Committee, the Regatta Director, the Chief Referee, and the LOC will work together to monitor the weather continuously during the event. Should it be determined that schedule changes are necessary due to weather concerns, the FSRA Regatta Committee will prioritize events and determine which races will occur during the time window racing can be safely conducted.
Weather-related schedule changes will be announced utilizing the following mediums.
- Posted on the results board at the regatta site.
- Announced over the on-site sound system.