NYS Section 2 Mod League Rowing Championships
- May 30, 2015
- sprint
- Mohawk River
- Niskayuna, NY (USA)
- Hosted By: Niskayuna Rowing
- The distance for the championship races will be 1000 meters.
- Event priorities will be: 1st coxed quad, 2nd coxed quad, 3rd coxed quad, 4th coxed quad.
- Efficiency Trophies by gender will be awarded based on a league approved formula based on Coxed Quads only.
- Medals will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishes in each category.
- Regarding novices: There are no novice events at the Champs. Novices will be defined as those rowers (not coxswains) who are in their first season of rowing (summers included). *Coaches who have novices in their Coxed Quads have the option of rowing them down a level at the champs. Crews with one novice rower may row down one level (Say from 1st to 2nd), those with two novices may row down two levels (say from 2nd to 4th). Coxed Quads with three novices may row down three levels (say from 1st to 3rd), and crews made up completely of novice rowers may row down four levels. Special situations should be announced via email to the league prior to race day and repeated at the coaches meeting prior to the start of the regatta.
- *Alternate understanding: Teams, who because of their small number of rowers are forced to row novices in their first Coxed Quad, may opt to row their crew down to lower levels of competition. They may row down one event (from 1st to 2nd) for one novice in the boat, two levels (from 1st to 3rd) for two novices in the boat, etc. This rule does not apply to lower boats (non-first boats) or to teams that have multiple boats and are choosing to row novices in their upper boats (either to because they are strong, or because they hope to row down for an advantage).
- Re-rows: Re-rowing in Coxed Quads at the champs is only permitted in the following situations:
- Coaches may re-row up to three rowers in order to give 1-3 rowers not boated a chance to race. The re-rowed athletes should come from the first full boat above the re-rowed crew. I.e. if a crew has 5 7th grade girls Coxed Quads with 2 girls left over, two of the athletes from the 5th boat would be permitted to re-row with the two remaining girls in order to form 6th boat. Such re-rowing should be announced via email to the league prior to race day and repeated at the coaches meeting prior to the start of the regatta.
- The schedule for D boats is structured to facilitate re-rows.
- Singles and Doubles events are not counted towards re-rows.
- Coxswains may cox as much as is needed and may re-row as rowers once.
- 7th graders may row up in to 8th grade events, subject to the re-row rules.
- Race fees are set at $15 per athlete.
- The schedule may change slightly if additional heats are needed for any event.
Please email the regatta/event host with any related questions