Wichita Frostbite Regatta
- Nov 1, 2015
- head
- Little Arkansas River
- Wichita, KS (USA)
- Hosted By: Wichita Rowing Association
- USRowing Registered (Self-Insured regatta)
The Frostbite Regatta Race Course is on the Little Arkansas River in Riverside Park, Wichita, Kansas. The race distance is the Henley distance: 1.7 miles. The race course start line is just below the 11th Street Bridge, the finsh line is at the Ralph Wulz Tennis Center complex.
The Frostbite Regatta is staged from the Ralph Wulz Tennis Center, 551 N. Nims, in South Riverside Park, Wichita, Kansas. Check online or see one of the Regatta Maps.
Regatta Type:
The Wichita Frostbite Regatta is a Head Race and as such is a flying start with shells starting in single file at 10 second intervals. Contestants race the clock and try to overtake the shell ahead.
Race Course:
The race start is just south of the 11th Street Bridge and the finish is at the Ralph Wulz Tennis Center. The race distance is the Henley distance, 1.7 miles. There are three bridges on the race course and bends and curves along most of the race course. The race course is fully buoyed from start to finish. Bridge arches for warm up and race lanes are marked by large signs with green arrows.
Viewing the Races:
You can see finish line from Stackman Blvd, with boats stopping approx 500 yards from the dam. Additionally, there are streets and/or sidewalks along the entire race course and a good vantage point can be had anywhere along the race course. The race course is entirely within the Riveside Park. The bridge closest to the finish line will be closed during the Regatta and is a great place to watch and cheer from.