Tampa Mayors Cup

  • Hosted By: The Stewards Foundation, Inc.
  • 2016 Owned Regatta

Event Descriptions:

  • Lightweight - There will not be a boat weight averaging requirement for lightweights of either gender. Men - 160, Women 130.
  • Teams cannot enter a Youth JV 8+ without entering a Youth Varsity 8+.
  • Teams cannot enter a Youth JV 4+ without entering a Youth Varsity 4+. 
  • Novice Youth – Novice events are limited to rowers and coxswains who have been competing for less than 1 year as of March 21, 2015.
  • Multiple Entries are allowed in all events. 
  • Mixed Events – Boats must have a minimum of 50% women, however the crew can be composed of as much as 100% women if you prefer.
  • Middle School – These races will be 1000 meters

Low Entry Events – Any event with only one entry will be eliminated.  Notice will be given upon the closure of registration.  Optional exhibition entry in a similar event will be offered. 

Launch and Recovery dock -

The dock master shall control all launching and recovery of shells. Please be patient and courteous of other crews during this process. Priority will be given to launching crews with the exception of hot seating either for equipment or personnel. The dock will be located at The Stewards Foundation Boathouse.

First Call -

First call for each event is 1 hour prior to the official start time of the race. The second and final call will be 50 minutes before start.