Head of the Class
- Hosted By: Niskayuna Rowing
Directions to Niskayuna boathouse:
From the South
TakeI- 87 north to I-90 West. Exit after Albany onto I-890 west"Schenectady". Take the Erie Blvd exit off of I-890. The ramp dumpsyou out at the bottom of Erie (GE plant behind you, Erie ahead of you) Take Erie through down town Sch'dy until the 6th light where you willtake a right onto Maxon Rd (just before going over the river). Maxonmerges into Aqueduct. Follow Aqueduct Rd all the way to its end. After a pair of really hard turns and you see the light a the end, takea hard left into our parking lot. Boathouse is the red barn betweensSmith's Automotive and the canoe shop called "the boathouse".
From the West
TakeI-90 East. Exit onto I-890 West "Schenectady". Take the Erie Blvdexit off of I-890. The ramp dumps you out at the bottom of Erie (GEplant behind you, Erie ahead of you) Take Erie through down townSch'dy until the 6th light where you will take a right onto Maxon Rd(just before going over the river). Maxon merges into Aqueduct. Follow Aqueduct Rd all the way to its end. After a pair of really hardturns and you see the light a the end, take a hard left into ourparking lot. Boathouse is the red barn betweens Smith's Automotive andthe canoe shop called "the boathouse".
From the East
TakeI-90 West. Exit after Albany onto I-890 west "Schenectady". Take theErie Blvd exit off of I-890. The ramp dumps you out at the bottom ofErie (GE plant behind you, Erie ahead of you) Take Erie through downtown Sch'dy until the 6th light where you will take a right onto MaxonRd (just before going over the river). Maxon merges into Aqueduct. Follow Aqueduct Rd all the way to its end. After a pair of really hardturns and you see the light a the end, take a hard left into ourparking lot. Boathouse is the red barn betweens Smith's Automotive andthe canoe shop called "the boathouse".
From the North
TakeI-87 South to Exit 8a. Take a right onto Grooms Rd, and follow Groomsroad to the light at Rt 146. You will see the river on your left asyou approach 146. Take a left onto 146 and go down over the bridge. Once over the bridge take an immediate right onto Aqueduct Rd and thenan immediate right into our parking lot. Our boathouse is the red barnbetweens Smith's Automotive and the canoe shop called "the boathouse".
Parking and venue maps will be available here shortly.