Head of the Housatonic

  • Hosted By: New Haven Rowing Club
  • 2016 Registered Regatta

 US FALL SCULLING CIRCUIT  For more information contact James Mangan at jmmangan@hotmail.com U-23's and ChampionshipsSponsored by Wintech Racing shells $250 and winner shirt to the top male Championship sculler based on points and accumulated time. $250 and winner shirt to the top female Championships based on points and accumulated time.$250 and winner shirt to the Coach of the top male Championship sculler. $250 and winner shirt to the Coach of the top female Championships sculler.(See below for other events) What is the US Fall Sculling Circuit? 

  • It is a Series affiliated to a group of regattas where athletes will be awarded points according to how they place. 
  • Points will be awarded to the top 16 scullers  placing in each category.
  • The  sculler  accumulating the most points and the fastest accumulative time  will be awarded the top prize.
  • Winner shirts will be awarded to the top sculler in each event that takes part in the series.
  • Thetop male and female Championship  Sculler  lightweight or heavyweightwith the highest number of points and the fastest accumulative  will beawarded $250 each.
  • College athletes are not eligible to sign up for Championship  events.
  • The coaches of the top male and female Championship sculler will be awarded $250.        Only scullers signed up for the event will be awarded points.  
What Regattas is part of the series? Coastweeks Regatta             Mystic ,  Ct                                        Sept 17th  GMS                                        New Milford Ct                                  September 24th   Head of the Riverfront            Hartford , Ct                                       Oct 1st  Head of the Housatanic         Oxford , Ct                                          October 7th    Events;  JUNIOR UNDER 16 MEN                          JUNIOR UNDER 16 WOMEN JUNIOR UNDER 18 MEN                          JUNIOR UNDER 18 WOMEN U23 MEN                                                       U23  WOMEN CHAMPIONSHIP HW MEN                       CHAMPIONSHIP HW WOMEN  CHAMPIONSHIP HW MEN                       CHAMPIONSHIP HW WOMEN  MASTER MEN                                             MASTER WOMEN  Points System:Points will be awarded to the top 16 scullers based on how they place  Place                Point                                                    Place                Point 1st                    16                                                        9th                    82nd                    15                                                        10th                  73rd                    14                                                        11th                  64th                    13                                                        12th                  55th                    12                                                        13th                  46th                    11                                                        14th                  37th                    10                                                        15th                  28th                      9                                                         16th                  1