Peninsula Indoor Rowing Championships

  • Hosted By: Peninsula Aquatic Center
  • 2016 Registered Regatta

The 16th Annual
Peninsula Indoor Rowing Championships

February 8th , 2015
Canada College - Redwood City, California

 The coaches and athletes of Stanford Rowing Center and Peninsula Aquatic Center would like to welcome you to the 16th Annual PIRC's. PIRC's has grown and because of that success, the event has moved to Canada College. We hope that the move is appreciated by the loyal participants. 

 Location:  Canada College


 Directions: From HWY 280, take the Farm Hill Road exit and head East. The Farm Hill Road exit is located two exits south of HWY-92 on I-280. Once you exit, go up the hill end turn LEFT at the first light into the college campus. Head up the hill and veer to the left, following the signs to the Athletic Building, Building #1. There is parking on the street (Not in the RED ZONES), or in LOT #4, #5, or #6.


Entry fee: $15.00 per competitor

Late Entries: NO RACE DAY entries will be accepted in 2015.

Deron Thorp Award: A special perpetual trophy will be given out starting in 2007 to the fastest men's time overall in honor of Deron Thorp. Deron was a dedicated participant of PIRC who sadly passed away in November of 2006. Deron leaves behind a wife and two daughters and this year $1 of each entry will be donated to The Deron Thorp fund for this two daughters. If you would like to make a donation, please add it to your entry fee or click on theDeron Thorp donation link for more information.

PIRC's will be racing 40 ergs at once. 

Family Row/Coxswain Row (500 meters): Entries are $5.00 per person. A Fun family row for children and parents and coxswains that have always wanted to hop on and try. Awards given to our young competitors. Family Row entrants MUST complete an entry form with Name, Age, Gender. Thank you !

Master's Challenge (1000 meters): A Master's Distance of 1000 meters for those rowers that are getting ready for Spring Racing season and not necessarily interested in qualifying 2000 meters for CRASH-B's but want to line-up with the other fast master teams in the region.

NOTE: 500 and 1000 meter events are NOT CRASH-B qualifying events.

All Event Information:

Distance: 500 meters/1000 meters/2000 meters

Damper Setting: The Concept II Model D indoor rower will be used for the race. Competitors may choose the damper setting they prefer but cannot change the setting during the race.

Format: All races will be finals. In events with more than 40 entries, seeded heats will be created based on the erg score submitted with the entry form. The fastest time recorded during all the heats for a particular event will be the winner.

Veteran Events: We will be running one event for all the veterans. Although we will run all the veterans at the same time, competitors can still qualify in their age group for a trip to the C.R.A.S.H.-B. sprints.


  • Open (no restrictions)
  • Collegiate (college students only)
  • Lightweight (men - 165 pounds, women - 135 pounds)
  • Junior Lightweight Men - SW rules (155.0)
  • Junior (Ages 18 and under) and in High School
  • Junior Novice (Ages 18 and under and in novice year (first spring season) of rowing
  • Junior Freshmen (Athletes in 9th grade, regardless of novice status)
  • Junior Middle School (Athletes in 8th grade and below)
  • Master (Ages 30 - 39)
  • Senior (Ages 40-49)
  • Veteran (Ages 50 and up)
  • Family Row (500 meter row for children and parents.)
  • Master's Challenge (1000 meters)
  • Adaptive Rowing

The complete start list will be posted on Regatta Central as well as email updates as the date approaches.

Qualifying for World Indoor Rowing Championships / C.R.A.S.H.-B. Sprints:

The Peninsula Indoor Rowing Championships are a sanctioned CRASH-B satellite and thus will have 4 round-trip airline tickets available to those athletes that make the CRASH-B time standard. The CRASH-B standard is based on 2000 meter races ONLY. 500 meter or 1000 meter racing does not count or qualify for CRASH-B. The qualifying times are included with this mailing. If more than four people meet the qualifying standard, the regatta organizer will select the four competitors who beat the CRASH-B standard by the largest margin. Please see  the C2 website at or the official CRASH-B website at

Lightweight Weigh-in Information:

All lightweight competitors must weigh in no earlier than 2 hours and no later than 1 hour  prior to their heat start time. Weigh-ins will open at 7:00 AM. Competitors must weigh in dressed in race attire (unisuit or T-shirt and shorts). If a competitor does not make weight, they may race in their original time slot but their time will be recorded in the OPEN weight classification.
Women: 135.0 lbs.
Men: 165.0 lbs.

Junior Men (SW Rules): 155.0


Directions :

Ergometers For Sale:

40 BRAND new Concept 2 Model D with the PM5 monitors. Ergometers used in this event will be sold on a first come – first served basis. A non-refundable deposit of $100 per machine is required.  Model D with PM5 is $775.00 PLUS CA Sales Tax.  No Chest Belt or rechargeable battery included. All Ergometers sales are final; no refunds will be issued. There is a 30 day guarantee from CII for any manufacture's defect.  Please contact Monica Hilcu ( ) for more information.

Race Day Information:

  • There is NO FOOD IN THE GYM. This is important to all JUNIOR PARENT groups. All bagels, sandwiches, fruit, etc must be kept outside. Any trash under the bleachers is a strike against the event returning to Canada College.
  • All competitors must check in at least 45 minutes prior to their start time otherwise you will be scratched from your event.
  • !!! All competitors must register on Regatta Central. !!!
  • Any competitor who meets the C.R.A.S.H.-B. qualifying time for their event must see the race organizer and fill out the proper forms. In the event that more than 4 people qualify, the 4 people that break the qualifying time by the largest margin will get the tickets.
  • There will be at least 20 warm-up ergs. Please plan your warm-up time carefully.
  • There will be a stretching area.
  • A water/snack will be open near the gym.
  • Full function restrooms are also accessible near the gym.
  • HAVE A FUN TIME! And feel free to send us comments afterward to help keep this race a success.