Covered Bridge Regatta
- Apr 8, 2006
- sprint
- 20 miles SE of Eugene, OR
- Eugene, OR (USA)
- Hosted By: Oregon Association of Rowers
- 2016 Registered Regatta
Covered Bridge Regatta
Saturday, April 8, 2006
Sponsored by
Oregon Association of Rowers
University of Oregon Crew
Welcome to the Covered Bridge Regatta held on Dexter Reservoir!
We look forward to seeing you again or having you race with us for the first time.
Time: Coaches and Coxswains Meeting 6:30 am. First Race 7:30 am.
Place: Dexter Reservoir, 20 minutes east of Eugene on Hwy 58
Races: 2000 meters Junior
2000 meters Collegiate
1000 meters Masters
Cost: Entries received by March 27th: $385 per team
Unaffiliated singles and doubles $30.
These fees allow for entries in as many races as desired.
Small crews: $20/seat/event by March 27th.
(Exclude coxes.)
Medals with neck ribbons awarded for first, second and third places.
Entries received after March 27th are subject to lane availability and will be assessed a late fee.
All registration for the regatta this year is being handled through Regatta Central. That website is Payment may be with check or credit card. Updates to the schedule and other changes are viewable there and at
Ed Offchiss Memorial Trophy
In memory of our friend and ‘sculling buddy’ Ed Offchiss, a perpetual trophy will be presented again this year to the winner of the men’s masters single.
Junior Team Points Trophy
Points will be awarded for each team’s highest placing in each 8-oared event. The junior crew amassing the greatest number of points will be presented with the team trophy.
Regatta Format
The Covered Bridge Regatta isa USRowing Registered Event. USRowing licensed referees will officiate. Individual USRowing membership is not required.
The race course is accurately surveyed to 2000 meters and will be marked with buoys at the start, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750, and finish. Targets beyond the finish of the course aid coxswains in navigation. Masters race the last 1000 meters.
For masters entry qualifications, a novice rower is one who first started rowing less than two years ago.
The course will allow up to six lanes and events with more than six entries will be raced as separate events, without finals. At the discretion of the regatta director and the chief referee, certain events will allow a seventh lane. Novice crews will not race seven lanes. Events with less than three entries will be canceled, or combined with another event. The men’s masters single will be held with heats and a final. With the exception of single sculls, teams are limited to a maximum of two entries per event.
The race schedule will be finalized Monday, April 3rd. A tentative order of events is provided on the Oregon Association of Rowers website
The regatta will be run on ten-minute centers, so efficiency is paramount to keeping the regatta on schedule. Boats must be launched at least 30 minutes prior to your start time and be in the staging area five minutes prior to start time. We will not delay an event so an athlete can ‘hot seat.’
The OAR rowing club’s dock space and access will not be able to accommodate all competitors. Visiting teams are expected to rig boats and beach launch from the large grassy area next to the parking lot and concessions in the marina area.
All boats must be equipped with bow balls and heel tie downs. Crews must provide their own bow numbers.
2005 Rules of Rowing will apply, however, the following rules will not be enforced:
2-302 Appearance of Crews
3-104 Minimum Weight of Boats
3-203 Manufacturer and Sponsor Advertising
3-204 Advertising on Clothing
4-110 Scope of Rules on Advertising Exceptions
Rules pertaining to rower weight limitsand weigh-ins will not be enforced. We ask that you honor these limits.
Coaches and Coxswains Meeting
This meeting will be held promptly at 6:30 am in the picnic shelter near the parking lot. There will be time allowed for questions and scratch/adds after remarks by the chief referee and the regatta director. Any required insurance waiver forms that were not mailed in with team entries will be collected at this time.
Coxswain weigh-ins will be on the ‘honor’ system.
This is a fully registered regatta and we are using US Rowing regatta liability insurance. Participants who are members of US Rowing and have signed a Release of Liability online do not have to sign a waiver form for this regatta. All other participants are required to sign a waiver. Both the US Rowing link and the printable waiver form are available through the Regatta Central website.
From I-5, take Hwy. 58 (exit 188A) east, 13 miles to Dexter Lake.
Turn left at the white covered bridge, to Lowell.
Turn left at Boundary Rd. (becomes Pengra Rd.), 0.8 miles to Lowell Park.
Turn left at the white covered bridge, to Lowell.
Turn left at Boundary Rd. (becomes Pengra Rd.), 0.8 miles to Lowell Park.
Trailers and boats may be left overnight in the parking lot adjacent to the launch area. The gate will be locked at 9:00 pm Friday night. The lot will be supervised, but equipment is left at your own risk. Please park in designated areas only. Parking on Pengra Road is illegal.
Trash and Recycling
Trash and recycling barrels are located around the park and we ask that teams do their share to use these receptacles especially before departure.Thank you!
Contingency Plan for Extreme Weather Conditions
The weather on Dexter Lake this time of year can change suddenly. We have experienced conditions ranging from sun and calm water changing to high winds, rain, sleet, thunder, lightning and white caps—all on the same day.
Teams have traveled great distances to compete in this regatta, and we will try to hold each and every scheduled event. However, the safety of participants and officials is our highest priority. The officials and the launch drivers carry radios and will relay to the regatta officials changing lake conditions. Decisions to delay or cancel races will be made accordingly.
Should rowing conditions be determined to be unsafe, small boat races (singles, pairs, doubles) will be canceled first. Time permitting; those will be rescheduled for a time slot later in the day. The next order of cancellation will be inexperienced (novice) four and eight boat entries.
If the buoyed 1000 and 2000 meter race course remains unrowable, we will attempt to hold shorter sprint races on calmer, safer areas of the lake (along the dam or along the north shore).
In the unlikely, but not unprecedented, event that we experience lightning and thunder, boats will be directed to immediately land on shore. If boats are already on the lake, and unable to land, they will be directed to use emergency landing locations and protected areas where crews can wait out those conditions. Details will be covered at the coach and coxswain meeting Saturday morning.