Augusta Invitational Regatta

  • Hosted By: Augusta Rowing Club, Inc.
  • 2016 Registered Regatta

2013 Augusta Invitational Regatta - March 16, 2013

General Information and Rules of Racing

This Regatta is Registered with US Rowing


Race Course

The race course is 2000 meters, fully-buoyed, and on a closed body of water. The course has been used for National Team speed orders, time trials and USRA sanctioned regattas.  (There may be shorter distances with special race categories.)



The current edition of the U.S.R.A. Racing Rules will apply. This is a US Rowing Registered Regatta and all organizations participating must be US Rowing Organizational Members.  There were changes to the Starting Procedures and Commands in the 2012 Rules of Rowing.  We recommend that all coaches and rowers review and become familiar with these changes.


Boat Storage and Parking

Boats are to be stored on trailers. Due to restricted parking at the site, volunteer attendants will direct trailer parking. On race day all trucks and vans must be parked in designated areas. Security will be provided at the site Friday night, March 15th. Please secure all valuables and report any misplaced items to headquarters immediately.



All participants must sign waiver forms in order to compete. Junior rowers under the age of 18 are required to have a parent/guardian sign the waiver. For 2013, all US Rowing Member Organizations must have their members sign the waiver online. Detailed instructions for once-a-year Online US Rowing Waivers can be found at the Regatta Central website for this regatta under "Waiver".


Regatta Organizers


Registration and Entry Deadline

The registration deadline is March 10, 2013. There will be no paper (mail in) registrations for the regatta. All registrations and fee payments will be done through Regatta Central. Payments online after March 10th will not be checked and therefore receipt for payment after that date should be brought to registration at check in.

The scratch deadline is Wednesday, March 13, 2013 without penalty.

Registrar for the regatta is Diane Sprague -  

Questions can be called to 706-738-3991 - Registrar.


Scratch/Add Policy

After the scratch/add deadline, multiple entries will be accepted only if the crew is already registered and the heats/flights are not affected, i.e. - only if there is an open lane in the event. Additions are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Additions will not be accepted if the change creates another heat race. When scratches or additions occur after the deadline, the remaining crews will have their lane assignments moved over, if
applicable. Any crews waiting to add an entry will receive their lane after this adjustment has occurred.


Lane Assignments

Lane draws will be done on March 14, 2013. Lane assignments for heats are blind lane draw, unless otherwise noted. This information will be made available on March 15.

Heats, Semifinals, Finals, and Flights

All open, lightweight, college varsity events, and youth varsity events will have heats and finals where applicable. Novice events for either collegiate or youth events will have flights only. Medals for these events will be awarded separately for each flight. Each event must have a minimum of three entries to constitute a race. Fewer entries will usually result in cancellation of that event. For events with three to seven entries, a final only may be run. Each team entering two boats in the same event must designate an "A" (first) and "B" (second) on the entry form.


Coaches/Coxswain Meeting

The coaches/coxswains meeting will be on Friday, March 15, 2013 at 7:00 pm on the regatta site under the covered picnic pavilion. Each coach and coxswain will be expected to attend as last minute rules and heat changes may occur. No additions or scratches are to be made at this time. Please see the scratch deadline.


Coxwains will not be weighed for this regatta. Lightweight men and lightweight women may weigh-in on Friday, March 15, 2013 at the Regatta Headquarters building from 4:00 pm. to 7:00 pm. Additional weigh-ins will be allowed on Saturday morning from 6:30 am to 7:30 am. If you weigh in on Friday, it will not be necessary to weigh in again on Saturday. Athletes must weigh in wearing their racing shirt, shorts, and socks.

Lightweight: There are no boat average weights in these events. Individual male rowers must weigh 160.0 pounds or less. Individual female rowers must weigh 130.0 pounds or less. (This will change for Junior & Scholastic Men's rowers on Sep.1st, 2013)



All race participants must wear one type of representative rowing jersey.  


Bow Markers

Each crew will provide their own bow markers. Each rowing shell must have a bow clip. Bow markers will not be provided by the regatta.  


Bow Balls

No racing shell will be allowed to practice or race without a bow ball.



Heels must be tied three inches from the foot plate. Coaches: please check your equipment before going through Control Commission.



Practice on Langley Pond will be monitored from 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm on Friday, March 15th.  The regatta will not be held responsible for crews practicing outside of this time frame. Crews must stay free and clear of course workers.  Friday, March 15th, is an official regatta day, all local and spring training teams must comply with regatta rules.  COACHES: INSTRUCT YOUR COXSWAINS TO CAREFULLY STUDY THE TRAFFIC


Traffic Pattern

The traffic patterns and course rules will be posted at Regatta Headquarters and are shown under 'Venue" at Regatta Central. All coaches and coxswains must study the traffic patterns prior to launch. As the practice and race patterns differ, please study the pattern each day. Practice times will be strictly enforced.


Call to Events and Launching

Crews will be called to launch by the dock master. First call will be forty (40) minutes prior to the scheduled race. No crew will be allowed on the water before they are called or for additional practice the day of the race. Coxswains verify their bow numbers as they enter the launch area.


Hot Seating

All hot-seating must be reported to the dock master for approval and for directions as to the dock to be used for hot-seating. Hot seating will be at your risk. Under no circumstances will the start of the race be held up for late boats.



Awards will be presented at Regatta Headquarters as the results are finalized. Gold, silver and bronze medals will be awarded in each event that has at least 4 entries.  


Event Definitions

Please Note: Due to recent changes in NCAA rules, we have added several entry options and modified entry definitions to accommodate both women's collegiate varsity and junior teams for this regatta. These definitions are also applicable to coxswains.

Collegiate Varsity Programs: This defines a women's rowing program as an NCAA sponsored sport at an institution and administered by a department of intercollegiate athletics which certifies the eligibility of the student-athletes. This definition applies to all athletes and boatings from this program including first, second, third, etc. boatings; "JV" boats; "subvarsity" athletes and boats; "novice" athletes and boats; "lightweight" athletes and boats; "freshman" athletes and boats; and all coxswains.

Youth Programs: This defines a scholastic or non scholastic program with students who are classified by age (Junior) according to Section 4-104 of the USRA Rules of Rowing. This definition applies to all athletes and boatings from this program including first, second, third, etc. boatings; JV boats; subvarsity athletes and boats; novice athletes and boats; lightweight athletes and boats; freshman athletes and boats; and all coxswains.

College: These events are available to collegiate varsity teams, and collegiate club teams. Individual youth athletes including youth coxswains are not allowed in these events.

Open: These events are available in the 1x and 2x categories for collegiate varsity teams, collegiate club teams, unaffiliated rowers, and non-collegiate rowing programs. Youth competitors must enter in the 1x and 2x youth categories.

Youth: These events are available to scholastic and non-scholastic junior programs only.

Novice: These events are available to those athletes who have not competed prior to the Fall 2012 racing season or August 16, 2012.

Lightweight: There are no boat average weights in these events. Individual male rowers must weigh 160.0 pounds or less. Individual female rowers must weigh 130.0 pounds or less.

Coxswains: There is no minimum weight limit for coxswains. Coxswains may be of either gender. Youth coxswains may only compete in youth events.


2013 Augusta Invitational Regatta

Schedule of Events

Friday, March 15, 2013


            4:00 pm – 7:00 pm      Team registration at Regatta Headquarters (near boat storage area).

                                                Course is open for practice till 6PM.

            4:00 pm – 7:00 pm      Weigh-ins – Regatta Headquarters

            6:00 pm – 7:00 pm      Officials meeting – Regatta Headquarters

            7:00 pm – 8:00 pm      Coaches/Coxswains meeting – Regatta Site Picnic Pavilion


Saturday, March 16, 2013

            6:30 am                       Regatta Headquarters opens

            6:30 am – 7:30 am       Weigh-Ins for those who arrived late on Friday

            8:00 am – 11:30 am     Heats

            12:30 pm – 5:00 pm    Finals*


*Events with seven or fewer entries will be run as 'finals only' during the morning and afternoon.