The Head of the Raftman/La Descente des Cageux
- Sep 15, 2012
- head
- Riviere des Prairies
- Laval, QC (CAN)
- Hosted By: Laval Rowing Club/Club D'Aviron de Laval

Jos Montferrand, de son vrai nom Joseph Favre (25 octobre 1802 - 4 octobre 1864), est un homme fort qui a vécu au XIXe siècle au Québec. À cette époque, les Anglais, qui étaient les nouveaux maîtres du pays, provoquaient sans cesse les Canadiens-français et de multiples bagarres en résultaient. Jos Montferrand, un colosse, acquiert sa réputation de redresseur de torts grâce à son adresse et à ses muscles, mais aussi parce qu'il ne pouvait supporter qu'un Anglais méprisât ou insultât l'un des siens. Jos Montferrand, né à Montréal, a grandi dans le quartier St-Laurent. Il partit pour la région de l'Outaouais, une région à l'ouest du Québec à la frontière de la province de l'Ontario, où il devint draveur vers 1827. À l'époque, le Canada accueillait un fort contingent d'immigrants en provenance d'Irlande, ceux que l'on appelait les Shiners (le mot "Shiners" est une déformation de "Chêneux" que les Canadiens-français utilisaient pour identifier les bucherons Irlandais qui coupaient des chênes près des berges le long de la Rivière des Outaouais. Ces Irlandais ne pouvaient trouver du travail auprès des compagnies forestières puisque ces dernières employaient des Canadiens-français depuis fort longtemps, avant même que les Irlandais viennent initialement pour aider à construire le Canal Rideau.). Les ouvriers canadiens-français devaient manœuvrer doublement pour trouver du travail face à cette immigration travailleuse et bagarreuse.
Joseph "Jos" Montferrand (born Joseph Favre; October 25, 1802-October 4, 1864) was a French-Canadian logger, strong man and hero of the working man, who was the inspiration for the legendary Ottawa Valley figure Big Joe Mufferaw.[1]
Joseph Montferrand, dit Favre was born in the St. Lawrence district of Montreal in 1802. The family men were known for their strength and powerful build. Joe was 6 foot 4 inches (1.94 m) tall with blue eyes and fair hair. Although he was mild in manner and appearance, he could more than hold his own in a street fight. He successfully challenged several famed boxers during his youth. He came to fame as a result of a challenge issued at a boxing match in the Champ de Mars, Montreal. Two English-speaking boxers had just fought for the championship. The organizers then asked if there was anyone in the crowd who wished to challenge the champion of Canada. The sixteen year old Montferrand stepped into the ring and with one punch, felled the (former) champion. News of this surprising event spread quickly.
At the age of 21, he joined the Hudson's Bay Company as a voyageur. In 1827, he began work as a logger on the Rivière du Nord in Lower Canada and then moved to the upper Ottawa River. The loggers felled trees over the winter and then drove the logs down the river, eventually arriving at Quebec City. Montferrand spent the remainder of his working years in the lumber trade in the Outaouais. There was ongoing animosity between Anglophones and Francophones and frequent fights between the English, Irish and French Canadian loggers. Montferrand's prowess with his fists and boots was legendary in avenging the wrongs he and his compatriots were subjected to.
Montferrand defended French-Canadian workers against a gangs of Irish bullies in the Bytown area known as "Shiners". In 1829, he is said to have beaten a gang of 100 Shiners on the bridge between Hull, Quebec and Bytown. After 1840, he mainly worked the log drives as foreman and he retired in 1857. In his later years, he suffered from pain in his back and joints.
His exploits were already the stuff of legends by that time. He is said to have left his boot heel marks imprinted on several tavern ceilings after somersaulting into the air, stomping the ceiling, and landing upright. He was immortalised in books, plays and songs by La Bolduc, Stompin' Tom Connors, and Gilles Vigneault. Sir Wilfrid Laurier wrote a biography of Montferrand based on the oral tradition of the time.
He died in Montreal in 1864.