Tony Biernacki Sr. Memorial Regatta
- Jun 17, 2012
- sprint
- Welland International Flatwater Centre North Course
- Welland, ON (CAN)
- Hosted By: Brock Rowing Club
http://reports.regattamaster.comFinal Draw is now posetd. Any further changes will only get reflected at the regatta.
Please note:
Only two events should have had heats but there are a large number of the same athletes in both events so they could not race heats back to back. Event 14 was drawn as three finals based on age.
The first race is at 10:15 and we will adjust the start times of the next two heats to 10:20 and 1025 to give more time before the final.
Below is a pdf of the Race Draw you can print.
Race Draw-Bernacki2012-Rev6.pdf
Below is the link to the on line results server copy of the draw.
(Click on link; click on regattas; select Tony Biernacki)
Below is the report on handicaps for all crews by race. (Note race 22 and 24 are missing and we will try to post at the regatta site.